Compile Stylus files to CSS.
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a gruntfile as well as install and use grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-contrib-stylus --save-dev
Run this task with the grunt stylus
This task is a [multi task][] so any targets, files and options should be specified according to the [multi task][] documentation. [multi task]:
This task comes preloaded with nib.
Version 0.4.x
of this plugin is compatible with Grunt 0.4.x
. Version 0.3.x
of this plugin is compatible with Grunt 0.3.x
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Specifies if we should compress the compiled css. Compression is always disabled when --debug
flag is passed to grunt.
Type: String
Specifies directories to scan for @import directives when parsing.
Type: String
Specifies function name that should be used for embedding images as Data URI.
Type: Array
Allows passing of stylus plugins to be used during compile.
stylus: {
compile: {
options: {
paths: ['path/to/import', 'another/to/import'],
urlfunc: 'embedurl', // use embedurl('test.png') in our code to trigger Data URI embedding
use: [
require('fluidity') // use stylus plugin at compile time
files: {
'path/to/result.css': 'path/to/source.styl', // 1:1 compile
'path/to/another.css': ['path/to/sources/*.styl', 'path/to/more/*.styl'] // compile and concat into single file
- 2013-01-08 v0.4.0rc5 Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Switching to this.file api.
- 2012-12-14 v0.4.0a Conversion to grunt v0.4 conventions. Remove node v0.6 and grunt v0.3 support. Merge grunt-stylus features (plugin loading, embedding). Remove experimental destination wildcards.
- 2012-10-11 v0.3.1 Rename grunt-contrib-lib dep to grunt-lib-contrib.
- 2012-09-23 v0.3.0 Options no longer accepted from global config key. Individually compile into dest, maintaining folder structure.
- 2012-09-16 v0.2.2 Tests refactored, better watch integration.
- 2012-09-09 v0.2.0 Refactored from grunt-contrib into individual repo.
Task submitted by Eric Woroshow
This file was generated on Fri Jan 11 2013 18:04:24.