Deep in the forest near a small, hidden town lies a cursed field. In this field, one day every year, everything comes to life. This year, you have been chosen as the brave soul who must clear the fields. Never has a tribute made it back in one piece....
When you enter the field you will learn why they say it is cursed. It seems that the critters here change between hyper-aggressive and peaceful and chill every ten seconds.... what's up with that?
Field o' Fiends is a game produced for Ludum Dare #51 in 72 hours with a team of seven under the theme "Every 10 seconds".
For this game, we utilised a global high score system and mobile focused controls.
- Unity 2021.3.10f1
- git LFS
- All assets created and developed using Procreate for iPad
- Game Jam entry:
- Itch link to play:
- Game Producer and Developer - Josh Pearson
- Game Developer and Level Designer - Brayden Cooke
- Lead Artist and Art Designer - Tanya Kremer
- Sound Effects and Music Engineer - Jakob Eriksson
- Game and Server Developer - James Coburn
- Senior Developer - Tomas Morton
- Senior Developer - Miro Salminen