Compatible with Telegram Api version 6.9
Supported Api methods & Objects (Telegram Api v6.9 and below)
- ✅ Getting updates
- ✅ Available types
- ✅ Available methods
- ✅ Updating messages
- ✅ Payments
- ✅ Inline mode
- ✅ Stickers
- ✅ Telegram Passport
- ✅ Games
Overrideable Bot callbacks
/// @brief Called before Bot starts receiving updates (triggered by Bot::start())
/// Use this callback to initialize your code, set commands..
virtual void onStart() {}
/// @brief Called when Bot is about to be stopped (triggered by Bot::stop())
/// Cleanup your code in this callback (close handles, backup data...)
virtual void onStop() {}
/// @brief Called when a new message is received of any kind - text, photo, sticker, etc.
/// @param message Received message object
virtual void onAnyMessage(const Ptr<Message>& message) {}
/// @brief Called when a non-command message is received of any kind - text, photo, sticker, etc.
/// @param message Received non-command message object
virtual void onNonCommandMessage(const Ptr<Message>& message) {}
/// @brief Called when a new command is received (messages with leading '/' char).
/// @param command Received command object
virtual void onCommand(const Ptr<Message>& command) {}
/// @brief Called when an unknown command is received (messages with leading '/' char).
/// @param message Received unknown command object
/// @note Known commands are set with Bot::setCommands()
virtual void onUnknownCommand(const Ptr<Message>& message) {}
/// @brief Called when a new version of a message that is known to the bot and was edited
/// @param editedMessage Edited Message object
virtual void onEditedMessage(const Ptr<Message>& editedMessage) {}
/// @brief Called when a reaction to a message was changed by a user.
/// @note The bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify "message_reaction" in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates using Api::setAllowedUpdates().
/// The update isn't received for reactions set by bots.
/// @param messageReaction MessageReactionUpdated object
virtual void onMessageReactionUpdated(const Ptr<MessageReactionUpdated>& messageReaction) {}
/// @brief Called when reactions to a message with anonymous reactions were changed.
/// @note The bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify "message_reaction_count" in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates using Api::setAllowedUpdates().
/// The updates are grouped and can be sent with delay up to a few minutes.
/// @param messageReactionCount MessageReactionCountUpdated object
virtual void onMessageReactionCountUpdated(const Ptr<MessageReactionCountUpdated>& messageReactionCount) {}
/// @brief Called when a new incoming inline query is received
/// @param inlineQuery InlineQuery object
virtual void onInlineQuery(const Ptr<InlineQuery>& inlineQuery) {}
/// @brief Called when the result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner.
/// @note Please see our documentation on the feedback collecting for details on how to enable these updates for your bot. https://core.telegram.org/bots/inline#collecting-feedback
/// @param chosenInlineResult ChosenInlineResult object
virtual void onChosenInlineResult(const Ptr<ChosenInlineResult>& chosenInlineResult) {}
/// @brief Called when a new incoming callback query is received
/// @param callbackQuery CallbackQuery object
virtual void onCallbackQuery(const Ptr<CallbackQuery>& callbackQuery) {}
/// @brief Called when a new incoming shipping query is received.
/// @note Only for invoices with flexible price
/// @param shippingQuery ShippingQuery object
virtual void onShippingQuery(const Ptr<ShippingQuery>& shippingQuery) {}
/// @brief Called when a new incoming pre-checkout query is received. Contains full information about checkout
/// @param preCheckoutQuery PreCheckoutQuery object
virtual void onPreCheckoutQuery(const Ptr<PreCheckoutQuery>& preCheckoutQuery) {}
/// @brief Called when a new poll state is received.
/// @note Bots receive only updates about stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot
/// @param poll Poll object
virtual void onPoll(const Ptr<Poll>& poll) {}
/// @brief Called when a user changed their answer in a non-anonymous poll.
/// @note Bots receive new votes only in polls that were sent by the bot itself.
/// @param pollAnswer PollAnswer object
virtual void onPollAnswer(const Ptr<PollAnswer>& pollAnswer) {}
/// @brief Called when the bot's chat member status was updated in a chat.
/// @note For private chats, this update is received only when the bot is blocked or unblocked by the user.
/// @param myChatMemberUpdated ChatMemberUpdated object
virtual void onMyChatMember(const Ptr<ChatMemberUpdated>& myChatMemberUpdated) {}
/// @brief Called when a chat member's status was updated in a chat.
/// @note The bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify “chat_member” in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates.
/// @param chatMemberUpdated ChatMemberUpdated object
virtual void onChatMember(const Ptr<ChatMemberUpdated>& chatMemberUpdated) {}
/// @brief Called when a request to join the chat has been sent.
/// @note The bot must have the can_invite_users administrator right in the chat to receive these updates.
/// @param chatJoinRequest ChatJoinRequest object
virtual void onChatJoinRequest(const Ptr<ChatJoinRequest>& chatJoinRequest) {}
/// @brief Called when a chat boost was added or changed.
/// @param chatBoostUpdated ChatBoostUpdated object
virtual void onChatBoostUpdated(const Ptr<ChatBoostUpdated>& chatBoostUpdated) {}
/// @brief Called when a boost was removed from a chat.
/// @param chatBoostRemoved ChatBoostRemoved object
virtual void onChatBoostRemoved(const Ptr<ChatBoostRemoved>& chatBoostRemoved) {}
/// @brief Called when the long polling getUpdates fails.
/// @param reason the reason of failure
virtual void onLongPollError(const std::string& reason) {}
See examples
Full Changelog: v1.0.6.9-beta...v1.0.6.9