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ft_printf is a custom implementation of the C standard library function printf. It allows you to format and print text to the console or a file using a variety of format specifiers.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To use ft_printf, you'll need to download the source code and compile it into a library. Here's how to get started:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Compile the library: make
  3. Link the library to your project: -L/path/to/libftprintf.a


Once you've linked the library to your project, you can use ft_printf just like you would use printf. Here are some examples of how to use ft_printf:

#include "ft_printf.h"

int main() {
  int num = 42;
  char str[] = "hello";

  ft_printf("The answer is %d\n", num);
  ft_printf("The string is %s\n", str);

  return 0;

This will output:

The answer is 42
The string is hello

ft_printf supports a variety of format specifiers, including %d for integers, %s for strings, %c for characters, %p for pointers, %f for floating-point numbers, and more. See the Function Documentation section for a full list of format specifiers.

Function Documentation

ft_printf consists of several functions that work together to format and print text. Here's a brief overview of each function:

  • ft_printf: The main function that prints formatted text to the console or a file. It takes a format string and a variable number of arguments, and returns the number of characters printed.

  • ft_printres: A helper function that parses the format string and extracts any formatting flags, such as the minimum field width or precision.

  • ft_putchar_len: A helper function that prints a single character.

  • ft_putstr_len: A helper function that prints a null-terminated string.

  • ft_putnbr_len: A helper function that prints a decimal integer.

  • ft_putunbr_len: A helper function that prints an unsigned decimal integer.

  • ft_puthexa: A helper function that prints a hexadecimal integer.

  • ft_putadress: A helper function that prints a memory address as a hexadecimal integer.

  • ft_str: A helper function that takes a string as argument and return his length.

See the ft_printf.h header file for a full list of functions and their parameters.


If you'd like to contribute to ft_printf, you can open a pull request on GitHub. Please make sure your code follows the Coding Standards and includes tests for any new features or bug fixes.


ft_printf is released under the MIT License.