This project sets up an OpenShift Origin cluster (v3.9 currently) on a DigitalOcean infrastructure. The infrastructure creation and generation of inventory files is handled by Terraform. The goal of the project is to eventually add support for various cloud providers.
A lot of this setup is insipred by Get up and running with OpenShift on AWS. Here's a 10k ft view of how the setup looks like.
TODO: add diagram
- Terraform Download and install terraform for your OS.
- Ansible
- A DigitalOcean account with a ReadWrite Token generated.
$ export TF_VAR_domain=<your-base-domain-name>
$ export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=<do-token>
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Generate SSH keypair specific to this cluster. It is called tf
by default. If you call it by a different name, change it in
$ terraform apply
This will generate 2 inventory files,
for installing the prerequisites in the Open Shift cluster.
needed for the Ansible OpenShift installer.
$ ansible-playbook -u root --private-key=~/.ssh/tf -i preinstall-inventory.cfg ./pre-install/playbook.yml
Clone the playbook for v3.10.
$ git clone --branch release-3.10 --depth 1
$ cd openshift-ansible
Install the verion of Ansible specified in the above repo. To do this, create a virtualenv, and run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Prerequisite check.
$ ansible-playbook -i ../inventory.cfg --private-key=~/.ssh/tf playbooks/prerequisites.yml
Provision the cluster.
$ ansible-playbook -i ../inventory.cfg --private-key=~/.ssh/tf playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
Login to master node using,
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/tf
And to the nodes using,
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/tf
Inside master node,
Create admin user.
$ htpasswd -cb /etc/origin/master/htpasswd admin <password>
Set up GlusterFS as the default storageclass.
$ kubectl get storageclass
glusterfs-storage 16m
$ oc patch storageclass glusterfs-storage -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
Import the image into the openshift registry.
$ oc project openshift # all image streams should belong to this namespace
$ oc import-image lakshminp/openshift-drupal:v11 --confirm
Add the template either via UI or via cli.
$ terraform destroy