Data model and assumptions:
name: CharField with a maximum length of 255 characters. description: TextField for a longer description of the product. price: DecimalField with a maximum of 10 digits and 2 decimal places, representing the price of the product. image: ImageField for uploading product images. It is set to be stored in the 'product_images/' directory and allows null values (null=True) and blank values (blank=True). category: CharField with a maximum length of 255 characters to store the category of the product. Based on this model, some assumptions about your project include:
Product Information:
Products have a name, description, price, image, and category. The name and description provide information about the product. The price is stored as a decimal value, which is common for handling currency. Image Handling:
Products can have associated images, which are stored in the 'product_images/' directory. The null=True, blank=True for the image field suggests that a product may not necessarily have an associated image. Categorization:
Products are categorized, and the category is stored as a string.