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fix(deps): update dependency spec-change to v1.11.10 #299

fix(deps): update dependency spec-change to v1.11.10

fix(deps): update dependency spec-change to v1.11.10 #299

Workflow file for this run

name: pr
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout πŸ›Ž
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 20
- name: Install dependencies πŸ“¦
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5
runTests: false
- name: Print dependencies between tests and utils πŸ’»
run: npm run deps
- name: Print files changed against the parent of this branch 🌳
run: |
git --version
git status
git fetch
git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph --since=1.month
git merge-base origin/main HEAD
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=AMR $(git merge-base origin/main HEAD)..
- name: Print specs changed against the parent of this branch 🌳
# and set GitHub Actions output
id: step1
run: node ./bin/find --branch main --parent --set-gha-outputs --gha-summary --specs-per-machine 4 --max-machines 2
- name: Print set outputs
run: echo ${{ steps.step1.outputs.changedSpecsN }} specs ${{ steps.step1.outputs.changedSpecs }} machines ${{ steps.step1.outputs.machinesNeeded }}
- name: Print changed specs if you trace imports and requires πŸ”­
# in the folder "cypress"
id: step2
run: node ./bin/find --branch main --parent --trace-imports cypress --set-gha-outputs
- name: Print set outputs
run: echo ${{ steps.step2.outputs.changedSpecsN }} ${{ steps.step2.outputs.changedSpecs }}
- name: Saving traced dependencies
run: node ./bin/find --branch main --parent --trace-imports cypress --cache-trace --time-trace
- name: Loading cached traced dependencies
run: node ./bin/find --branch main --parent --trace-imports cypress --cache-trace
# module and import support
- name: Test module support
run: npm run demo-tests
working-directory: test-modules
- name: Trace TS path aliases demo
run: npm run deps
working-directory: test-ts-aliases
- name: Test cypress.json project (Cypress v9)
run: npm run demo-tests --prefix test-json
- name: Find tests in subfolder
run: npm run demo-subfolder
- name: Demo test names in Markdown format and put into job summary πŸ’»
run: npm run demo-names-markdown >> "$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY"
- name: Show specs with tags
id: find-tagged
run: node ./bin/find --tagged @user --set-gha-outputs
- name: Print the found specs with tags
run: |
echo '${{ steps.find-tagged.outputs.taggedSpecsN }} Specs with tests tagged user' >> "$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY"
echo '${{ steps.find-tagged.outputs.taggedSpecs }}' >> "$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY"
- name: Confirm we can run specs in subfolder
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5
# we have already installed all dependencies above
install: false
config-file: mocks/my-app/e2e/cypress.config.js