Edu-Api Edu-Api is an education project built with Angular 16 using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP 5, and uses Firebase as a databasse and authentication. This is for university or school or any educational institute. It consists of 6 pages: Home, About, Courses, Programs, Details, Profile.
You will need installed:
ANGULAR: 16.2.0: npm i @angular/cli@16.2.0
NODE.JS: 16.14.0 || ^18.10.0
"firebase": 10.9.0 npm install firebase
Run application: npm install ng serve --open //Which opens the app at http://localhost:4200 in your browser.
Home Page: when there is no user:
Home Page: when user is logged in:
Courses Page: dynamically loads data from Firestore:
Programs Page: dynamically loads data from Firestore and by clicking Learn more redirect to Details Page only for logged in users:
Details page: dynamically loads data from Firestore and by clicking Add to my programs redirect to Profile page only for logged in users:
Profile page: visible only for logged in users where can add, edit, delete some notes and stored in Firestore:
Created by Todor Krumov