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<PROJECT_NAME> Magento 2 Application

Env FrontURL AdminURL
DEV https://app.exampleproject.test/ https://app.exampleproject.test/backend/

Other useful URLs on DEV:

Developer Setup


  • Warden 0.6.0 or later is installed. See the Installing Warden docs page for further info and procedures.
  • pv is installed and available in your $PATH (you can install this via brew, dnf, apt etc)

Initializing Environment

In the below examples ~/Sites/exampleproject is used as the path. Simply replace this with whatever path you will be running this project from. It is recommended however to deploy the project locally to a case-sensitive volume.

  1. Clone the project codebase.

    git clone -b develop \
  2. Change into the project directory.

    cd ~/Sites/exampleproject
  3. Configure composer credentials.

    composer config -f ./webroot/composer.json <username> <password>

    If you don't have composer installed on the host machine, manually create webroot/auth.json using the following template:

        "http-basic": {
            "": {
                "username": "<username>",
                "password": "<password>"
  4. Run the init script to bootstrap the environment, starting the containers and mutagen sync (on macOS), installing the database (or importing if --db-dump or short -u is specified), and creating the local admin user for accessing the Magento backend.

    to get latest Magento version, you can simply run:

    warden bootstrap

    or you can specify it with following arguments:

    warden bootstrap -cv 2.4.5-p1

    to get more information for short argument passing, you can simply pass any argument that is other than (c,p,v,s,u,n,w)

    warden bootstrap -abc

    if you'd like more info for normal arguments, you can simply do:

    warden bootstrap --help
  5. Load the site in your browser using the links and credentials taken from the init script output.

    Note: If you are using Firefox and it warns you the SSL certificate is invalid/untrusted, go to Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> View Certificates (bottom of page) -> Authorities -> Import and select ~/.warden/ssl/rootca/certs/ca.cert.pem for import, then reload the page.

    Note: If you are using Chrome on Linux and it warns you the SSL certificate is invalid/untrusted, go to Chrome Settings -> Privacy And Security -> Manage Certificates (see more) -> Authorities -> Import and select ~/.warden/ssl/rootca/certs/ca.cert.pem for import, then reload the page.

Additional Configuration

Information on configuring and using tools such as Xdebug, LiveReload, MFTF, and multi-domain site setups may be found in the Warden docs page on Configuration.

Destroying Environment

To completely destroy the local environment we just created, run warden env down -v to tear down the project’s Docker containers, volumes, and (where applicable) cleanup the Mutagan sync session.

Newly added Features

  • Added support for single slash arguments:

    • Automatic detection of either short or long argument and parsing,
    • Figure out what arguments are missing or if there are too many arguments and inform the user,
    • Automatic parsing of the arguments (.tar.gz, Magento version regex and allowed meta packages),
  • Added more descriptive error messages:

    • Added ASCII art for error messages to be easily detected,
    • Added descriptive text that will describe the issue or display a help message,
    • Added help messages when it detects unknown argument,
  • Added support for multi environments - defined under env folder. If specified Magento version with (warden bootstrap -cv 2.4.5-p1), it will copy over existing .env file to the env/backup/.env and it will override .env file for env/2.4.5/.env,

  • Added default setting when the command is parsed without arguments to start up warden environment and services,

  • Added support to only have a domain without the subdomain. It will automatically resolve if there is subdomain - appends it before domain so it can work both with and without the subdomain,

  • Added configuration for admin path and default admin username,

  • Added support to open the URL in the browser (default to off). Supports the following configurations: 2 = xdg-open, 1 = sensible-browser, 0 = off,

  • Added support to have no default webroot folder (automatic creation of the webroot/app/etc/env.php.init.php along with folders),

  • Added support to have patches, currently needed to ensure the installation will go trough in one go (backfill/patches/778.patch),

  • Added support to use pre-defined admin password, if none is provided generates random one,

  • Added support to configure Two Factor Authentication, if disabled, it will disable module as well,

  • Added support to to install sample data (-w argument or --with-sample-data),

  • Added support to have aliases in ~/.bashrc file on warden (defined under .warden/php-fpm/.bashrc file),

  • Added configuration to enable/disable printing out of the Admin User/Credentials (it will display them if the password is random),

  • Added configuration to display more services URL's when printing out install information,

  • Added support to use 'cat' command dependency instead of the 'pv',

  • Added configuration to enable "warden bootstrap" without other arguments,

  • Added support for Magento 2.4.6 version (Known Issues):

    • ElasticSearch version is 7.17, should be 8.4 but that version is throwing error when reindexing ({"error":"no handler found for uri [/magento2_product_1_v3/document/_mapping?include_type_name=true] and method [PUT]"}),