You can use the clone GitHub address to optimize the source code, build the mod for the second time, or make a beautiful map for the mod. We will adopt and acknowledge it. You can also join the development of this project if you want.
If you encounter a bug or something that can't be described, please go to the issue link below to push, we will see your message. Be careful not to answer questions that are not what you ask. Look at the wisdom of asking questions.
Select Dev and not dev for download version, and dev is for developers.
Fabric Loader 0.8.2 Fabric Api 0.10.1+build.336-1.16
The module version 1.0.0 is still under continuous development. Before the creation of 1.0.0, the updated version will cover the original version 1.0.0. The updated version 1.0.0 will update all metals, nonmetals and gases in the periodic table of elements
baka4n && squidcraftTeam && captiain: squid233
thanks my team , mcbbs. thanks github watch: liach(yarn development) thanks github star: squid233
This template is available under the CC0 license. Feel free to learn from it and incorporate it in your own projects.