This operator creates a logging pod that logs corev1.Event information as structured json log. The crd allows to configure the events to be logged.
The operator is insalled with helm.
helm upgrade --install eventlogger ./helm/
kind: EventLogger
name: example-eventlogger
- name: DeploymentConfig # the kind of the event source to be logged
apiGroup: # optional
eventTypes: # optional
- Normal
- Warning
reasons: # optional
- DeploymentCreated
- ReplicationControllerScaled
skipReasons: # optional
- Unhealthy
matchingPatterns: # optional - regexp pattern to match event messages
- .*
skipOnMatch: false # optional - skip events where messages match the pattern. Default false
eventTypes: # optional - define the event types to log. If no types are defined, all events are logged
- Normal
- Warning
labels: # optional - additional labels for the pod
name: value
annotations: # optional - additional annotations for the pod
name: value
scrapeMetrics: false # optional att prometheus scrape metrics annotation to the pod. Default false
namespace: "ns" # optional - the namespace to listen the events on. Default the current namespace
nodeSelector: # optional - a node selector for the logging pod.
key: value
serviceAccount: "sa" # optional - if a custom ServiceAccount should be used for the pod. Default ServiceAccount is automatically created
ImagePullSecrets: # optional - list of references to secrets to use for pulling the image.
- name: name
logFields: # optional - map if custom log field names. Key then log field name / Value: the reflection fields to the value within the struct corev1.Event
- name: name
- InvolvedObject
- Name
- name: kind
- InvolvedObject
- Kind
- name: type
- Type
- name: some-static-value
value: ""