IMPORTANT: the package is under heavy development. Keep this in mind if you want to use it on your research.
Run the script "PATH-to-PySTELLA/" in the directory with models. See help if needed.
- -b bands:shift: string, default: U-B-V-R-I, for example U-B-V-R-I-u-g-i-r-z-UVW1-UVW2. shift: to move lc along y-axe (minus is '_', for example -b R:2-V-I:_4-B:5
- -i <model-name OR pattern, like 'R450'>. Example: cat_R450_M15_Ni007_E7
- -p , default: ./
- -e <extinction, E(B-V)> is used to define A_nu, default: 0
- -c [lcobs:fname:marker:dt:dm, velobs:fname:marker:dt:vnorm(1e8), popov[:R:M:E[FOE]:Mni], lcobssm as lcobs, but for sm-format data-files]. You can add parameters in format func:params
- -d [pc]. Default: 10 pc
- -g <single, grid, gridm, gridl> Select plot view. single [default] = all models in one figure, grid = for each band separate figure.
- -o <is_axes_right>. Default: empty string
- -m . Default: None, used for grav lens
- -q turn off quiet mode: print info and additional plots
- -t plot time points
- -s without extension. Save plot to pdf-file. Default: ubv_.pdf
- -x xbeg:xend - xlim, ex: 0:12. Default: None, used all days.
- -y ybeg:yend - ylim, ex: 26:21. Default: None, used top-magnitude+-5.
- -v <swd OR ttres[ttresold]> - plot model velocities computed from swd OR tt-res files[ttresold for old res format].
- -w write magnitudes to out-file. Use '1' for the default name of out-file
- -z . Default: 0
- --dt=<t_diff> time difference between two spectra
- --curve-old - use old procedure
- --curve-tt - take curves from tt-file: UBVRI+bol
- -l write plot label
- -h print usage
- AtlasC AtlasO
- Bbes Ibes Rbes Ubes Vbes
- F105W F125W F140W F160W F435W F606W F814W
- GaiaG
- KaitB KaitI KaitR KaitU KaitV Kepler
- LcoH LcoJ LcoK Lum
- PS1g PS1i PS1r PS1w PS1y PS1z
- gSdss iSdss rSdss uSdss zSdss SwiftB SwiftU SwiftV
- bol bolq
- massH massJ massK
- ubvri
- U => Ubes B => Bbes V => Vbes R => Rbes I => Ibes
- g => gSdss r => rSdss i => iSdss u => uSdss z => zSdss
- J => massJ H => massH K => massK
Run script for all *.ph-files in the DIR:
find DIR -name "*.ph" | sed -r 's/\.ph$//' | while read fn; do ./ -i $(basename $fn) -d $(dirname $fn) -s; done
also the same could be done with key '-p' without model's name.
git clone
cd pystella
Create conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate nb
and work
./ [params]
ipython> import sys
ipython> sys.path.append('path-to-root-pystella')
ipython> import pystella as ps
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
OR manually
To plot light curves [ubv] and shock wave details [swd]
apt-get install python3
apt-get install python3-numpy python3-scipy
apt-get install python3-matplotlib
??? apt-get install python3-tk
To fit observations
apt-get install -y python3-pip
pip3 install emcee
pip3 install cython
pip3 install gptools
pip3 install corner
python3 -m unittest discover ./tests/
Testing can take a long time.
Some tests plot the comparison charts, they must be closed to continue the work. It is not necessary that all tests show OK. Some of them are non-working yet.
Please add some form of acknowledgement that you used this code.
Some of the passbands was taken from SNPY (see,
SnCosmost (see, and