Make sure NPM is installed. It can be downloaded from: .
In the checkout folder, run:
npm install save-dev
This will install some of the required modules like Pixi.JS, Webpack and others.
To run the web server, run:
on Windows or sh
on the Mac
To start developing and set up watchers run:
on Windows or sh
on the Mac
All code is licensed as MIT. Graphics are not MIT licensed and will be removed from future commits. If you like the graphics, consider signing up at : and get your own copy of these files.
This should be considering a personal learning project and likely will not follow the correct guidelines. However, if any of the code is useful for your project, feel free to use it. The quality of the code should improve build after build and i tend to clean-up duplication of data from time to time.
The goal of this project is not to build a game engine. If you are searching for game engines based on Pixi, perhaps give a try.
To support health bars and such, all enemies should actually be placed into a container and not live directly on the stage. This would also make it easier to just update the container instead of all individual items.
- Should be used to generate JSON in order to keep the files nicely formatted and easier to maintain?
- Command to resize gfx |
pngquant *.png --ext=.png --force
- Perhaps build a 'level' builder?
- useful for this game?
- Cool stuff