Maven plugin to create HTML report to show dependecies in DSM view.
- Edit your pom.xml like this:
<!-- other reportin plugins -->
- Then execute following commands:
mvn clean install site
Instead of install you can use copmile, package or other stage, that generates class files.
DSM site part will be placed in target/site/dsm directory
- You can run only this plugin instead of all site plugins:
mvn org.sevntu:dsm-maven-plugin:dsm
- Also you can use option obfuscatePackageNames, that truncates package names to more short form (com.mysite.oneproject.somemodule.package -> c.m.o.somemodule.package for example). It is switched off by default.
There are two way to use it:
a) Edit yours pom.xml and add configuration section:
<!-- other reportin plugins -->
b) Run maven with -DobfuscatePackageNames=true (false)
mvn org.sevntu:dsm-maven-plugin:dsm -DobfuscatePackageNames=true
If you don't use it and have long package name they will be just cutted (com.mysite.oneproject.somemodule.package -> ..project.somemodule.package)
Enjoy :)