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sshproxy is a simple ssh server library exposing an even simpler API


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Configuration is possible via commandline flags, environment variables and config files.

Config files should be named sshproxy.<ext> and exist in the sshproxy work dir. The following config file formats are supported:

There are a total of 15 configuration options and with the exception of dir they can all be set via commandline, environment or config file.

Name Commandline Environment Config
Allow Env --allow-env -E SSHPROXY_ALLOW_ENV allow-env
API Host --apihost, -H BALENA_API_HOST apihost
API Key --apikey, -K SSHPROXY_API_KEY apikey
API Port --apiport, -P BALENA_API_PORT apiport
Auth Failed Banner --auth-failed-banner -b SSHPROXY_AUTH_FAILED_BANNER auth-failed-banner
Bind --bind, -b SSHPROXY_BIND bind
Dir --dir, -d SSHPROXY_DIR
Idle Timeout --idle-timeout, -i SSHPROXY_IDLE_TIMEOUT idle-timeout
Max Auth Tries --max-auth-tries -m SSHPROXY_MAX_AUTH_TRIES max-auth-tries
Metrics Bind --metrics-bind, -M SSHPROXY_METRICS_BIND metrics-bind
Sentry DSN --sentry-dsn -S SSHPROXY_SENTRY_DSN sentry-dsn
Shell --shell, -s SSHPROXY_SHELL shell
Shell GID --shell-gid, -g SSHPROXY_SHELL_GID shell-gid
Shell UID --shell-uid, -u SSHPROXY_SHELL_UID shell-uid
Use Proxy Protocol --use-proxyprotocol, -p SSHPROXY_USE_PROXYPROTOCOL use-proxyprotocol
Verbosity --verbosity, -v SSHPROXY_VERBOSITY verbosity
Usage of sshproxy:
  -E, --allow-env string            List of environment variables to pass from client to shell (default: None)
  -H, --apihost string              Balena API Host (default "")
  -K, --apikey string               Balena API Key (required)
  -P, --apiport string              Balena API Port (default "443")
  -B, --auth-failed-banner string   Path to template displayed after failed authentication
  -b, --bind string                 Address the ssh service will bind to (default ":22")
  -d, --dir string                  Work dir, holds ssh keys and sshproxy config (default "/etc/sshproxy")
  -i, --idle-timeout int            Idle timeout (seconds, 0 = none)
  -m, --max-auth-tries int          Maximum number of authentication attempts per connection (default 0; unlimited)
  -M, --metrics-bind string         Address the prometheus metrics server should bind to (default: disabled)
  -S, --sentry-dsn string           Sentry DSN for error reporting
  -s, --shell string                Path to shell to execute post-authentication (default "")
  -g, --shell-gid int               Group to run shell as (default: current gid) (default -1)
  -u, --shell-uid int               User to run shell as (default: current uid) (default -1)
  -p, --use-proxyprotocol           Enable Proxy Protocol support
  -v, --verbosity int               Set verbosity level (0 = quiet, 1 = normal, 2 = verbose, 3 = debug, default: 1) (default 1)
      --version                     Display version and exit

Auth Failed Banner/Template

The 'auth failed banner' is a template rendered and displayed to the user after failed authentication. It should be a Go template has two available properties; .user and .fingerprints.

Example Usage

% go get
% export SSHPROXY_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/sshproxy.XXXXXXXX)
% echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash\nenv' > ${SSHPROXY_DIR}/ && chmod +x ${SSHPROXY_DIR}/
  go run ${GOPATH}/src/
% ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
      -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' \
    balena@localhost -p2222 -- some command
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.


The Makefile in the project root contains all necessary rules for linting, testing and building sshproxy packages. Building via a Docker image can be achieved with, for example: docker run --rm -v $PWD:/go/src/ golang make -C /go/src/ lint test release.