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Ansible for Open Telekom Cloud


Deutsche Telekom offers since March 2016 an IaaS Service named Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). The service includes

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Elastic Volume Service (EVS)
  • Image Management Service (IMS)
  • Object Storage Service (OBS)
  • Dynamic Name Service (DNS)
  • Relational Database Service (RDS) and other useful things. The portfolio will rapidly developed.


Here are some roles to demonstrate how to interact with OTC-API. ECS-API is origin developed by Huawei and described here:


role description
ecs list virtual machines
ecs_create create and start virtual machine
ecs_delete delete a specific virtual machine
ecs_show information about a specific virtual machine
eip show elastic ip-addresses
eip_apply apply a new elastic ip-address
eip_delete delete elastic ip-address
elb list elastic loadbalancers
elb_create create elastic loadbalancer
elb_delete delete elastic loadbalancer
elb_show show elastic loadbalancer
elb_certificate show elastic loadbalancer certificates
elb_certificate_create create elastic loadbalancer certificate
elb_certificate_delete delete elastic loadbalancer certificate
elb_healthcheck_create create elastic loadbalancer healthcheck
elb_healthcheck_delete delete elastic loadbalancer healthcheck
elb_healthcheck_show show elastic loadbalancer healthcheck
elb_listener list listener for elastic loadbalancer
elb_listener_create create listener for elastic loadbalancer
elb_listener_delete delete listener from elastic loadbalancer
elb_backends list backends for elastic loadbalancer
elb_backends_create create backends for elastic loadbalancer
elb_backends_delete delete backends for elastic loadbalancer
enable_snat enable SNAT on specific VPC
endpoints discover API endpoints
evs list volumes
evs_create create a volume
evs_delete delete a volume
evs_show information about a specific volume
flavors show flavors
images show images
image_create create an image
image_delete delete an image
job show job status
keypairs show ssh keypairs
keypair_create create a ssh keypair
keypair_delete delete a ssh keypair
lookup_name lookup id by name (set_fact image_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, secgroup_id, flavor_id)
os-client-config.yml create os-client-config yml file
ptrrecord_create create DNS PTR record for EIP
ptrrecord_delete delete DNS PTR record for EIP
ptrrecords show DNS PTR records for EIP
rds_versions list provided database versions for RDS
rds_flavors list provided flavors for selected database version in RDS
services discover API services
s3 show s3 buckets
s3_bucket_create create s3 bucket
s3_bucket_delete delete s3 bucket
s3_upload upload files in s3 object store
secgroups show security groups
secgroup_create create security group
secgroup_delete delete security group
secgrouprule_create create security group rule
secgrouprule_delete delete security group rule
subnet show subnet
subnet_create create subnet
subnet_delete delete subnet
token get auth token
vpc show vpc
vpc_router show vpc router info and set facts
vpc_create create vpc
vpc_delete delete vpc
zones show DNS zones
zonerecords show DNS zonerecords
zone_create create DNS zone
zone_delete delete DNS zone
zonerecord_create create DNS zonerecord
zonerecord_delete delete DNS zonerecord


  • curl

  • openssl

  • base64

  • ansible==

  • python-jmespath

  • python-netaddr

    Ubuntu 14.04/16.04:

       apt-get install software-properties-common
       apt-get update
       apt-cache policy ansible
       apt-get install curl python-pip python-jmespath python-netaddr
       pip install ansible==

    OpenSuSE 13.2:

       zypper ar
       zypper up
       zypper install curl ansible python-jmespath python-netaddr

(should work on all other *nix systems, check the right version of ansible!!!)

  • ❗ credentials on OTC (username, password, domain, S3 access/secret key)

Files outside the repo

filename description
~/.config/openstack/clouds.yml os-client configuration file for multiple openstack environments


filename description
ajob shell script to fetch job status from OTC
env.yml profile to use in clouds.yml
secrets.yml var file for S3 credentials and endpoints (ansible-vault)
vaultpass.txt password file for ansible-vault. The default password is: linux :-)
hosts host file for ansible (we use only localhost)
tenant.ini configuration file for complete tenant

os-client config

for more comfort and standardization we moved credential lookup from secrets.yml to clouds.yml (part of If you already configured your OTC credentials there put your profile name in env.yml or use

    ansible-playbook -e "CLOUD=otc" ...

if your profile named otc

If you like to start with this feature run once os-client-config.yml and answer the question. A basic yml file with one profile will created for you:

ansible-playbook  os-client-config.yml

Starting up

    cp secrets.yml  _secrets.yml 

adjust your own data in this file before you using the examples:

list virtual machines (with secrets.yml)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs.yml --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

list virtual machines (with clouds.yml)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs.yml

create and start virtual machine with file injection (inject up to 5 max 1k base64 encoded files)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs_create.yml -e "ecs_fileinject_1=/etc/hosts ecs_fileinject_data_1=$(base64 -w 0 hosts.txt) ecs_fileinject_2=/root/README.md2 ecs_fileinject_data_2=$(base64 -w 0 hallo.txt)" --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

create and start virtual machine with injection user_data (inject max 32k base64 encoded user-data files)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs_create.yml -e "ecs_user_data=$(base64 -w 0 user-data.txt)" --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

show virtual machine (single)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs_show.yml -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01"

delete virtual machine (only the machine)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs_delete.yml -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01"

delete virtual machine (delete also floating ip and attached volumes)

ansible-playbook -i hosts ecs_delete.yml -e "ecs_name=test01-ansible delete_publicip=1 delete_volume=1"

list elastic loadbalancers

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb.yml

create elastic loadbalancer (tenant.ini)

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_create.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

delete elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_delete.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

show elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_show.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

list elastic loadbalancer certificates

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_certificate.yml 

create elastic loadbalancer certificate (we hate comments in cert file)

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_certificate_create.yml -e "elb_certificate_name=ansible-cert elb_certificate_key_file=cert.key elb_certificate_certificate_file=cert.crt" 

delete elastic loadbalancer certificates

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_certificate_delete.yml -e "listener_certificate_name=ansible-cert"

create elastic loadbalancer healthcheck (tenant.ini)

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_healthcheck_create.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01" -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01"

delete elastic loadbalancer healthcheck

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_healthcheck_delete.yml -e "elb_healthcheck_id=e12454b93f304b759be699cb0270648c"

show elastic loadbalancer healthcheck

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_healthcheck_show.yml -e "elb_healthcheck_id=e12454b93f304b759be699cb0270648c"

list listener for elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_listener.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

create listener for elastic loadbalancer (tenant.ini)

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_listener_create.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01" -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01"

delete listener for elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_listener_delete.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"  -e "listener_name=ansible-listener03"

list backends for elastic loadbalancer (tenant.ini)

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_backends.yml -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01" -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01" 

create backends for elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_backends_create.yml -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01" -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01" -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01" -e "ecs_address="

delete backends for elastic loadbalancer

ansible-playbook -i hosts elb_backends_delete.yml -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01" -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01" -e "elb_backends_id=d15e2f8dd7d64d95a6b5c2a791cac408"

enable SNAT on specific VPC

ansible-playbook -i hosts snat_enable.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc1" -e "enable_snat=true"

disable SNAT on specific VPC

ansible-playbook -i hosts snat_enable.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc1" -e "enable_snat=false"

discover API endpoints

ansible-playbook -i hosts endpoints.yml

list volumes

ansible-playbook -i hosts evs.yml

create a volume (tenant.ini)

ansible-playbook -i hosts evs_create.yml -e "evs_name=ansible-evs01"

delete a volume

ansible-playbook -i hosts evs_delete.yml -e "evs_name=ansible-evs01"

show information about a single volume

ansible-playbook -i hosts evs_show.yml -e "evs_name=ansible-evs01"

show flavors

ansible-playbook -i hosts flavors.yml

show elastic ip-addresses

ansible-playbook -i hosts eip.yml

apply a new elastic ip-address (bandwidth between 1-300 MBit/s)

ansible-playbook -i hosts eip_apply.yml -e "eip_bandwidth_name=ansible-eip1" -e "eip_bandwidth_size=100" -e "public_ip_address="

delete elastic ip-address

ansible-playbook -i hosts eip_delete.yml -e "public_ip_address="

show images

ansible-playbook -i hosts images.yml

create image (from stopped ecs instance)

ansible-playbook -i hosts image_create.yml -e "image_name=ansible-image01" -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01"

create image (from obs image_url :)

ansible-playbook -i hosts image_create.yml -e "image_name=ansible-image02" -e "image_url=ansible1:/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.vmdk" -e "image_min_disk=12"

delete an image (API return code is 204 when success, ansible expected 200 and may give an error)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "image_id=af0a0bcf-7be3-4722-98ba-3350801a8cd5" image_delete.yml

show job status

ansible-playbook -e "job_id=2c9eb2c15693b00901571e32ad5e1755" -i hosts job.yml

./ajob 2c9eb2c15693b00901571e32ad5e1755

show keypairs

ansible-playbook -i hosts keypairs.yml

create keypair

ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "ecs_adminkey=test-key" -e "keypair_file=~/.ssh/" keypair_create.yml

delete keypair

ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "ecs_adminkey=test-key"  keypair_delete.yml

lookup id by name (image)

ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "image_name=Community_Ubuntu_16.04_TSI_latest"

lookup id by name (flavor)

ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "ecs_ram=2048" -e "ecs_vcpus=4"

lookup id by name (subnet)

ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "subnet_name=subnet-5831"

lookup id by name (secgroup)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "secgroup_name=bitnami-wordpress-56a9-securitygroup"

lookup id by name (vpc)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "vpc_name=vpc-4988"

lookup id by name (eip)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "public_ip_address="

lookup id by name (zone)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e ""

lookup id by name (ecs)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01"

lookup id by name (evs)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "evs_name=ansible-evs01"

lookup id by name (elb)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

lookup id by name (certificate)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml  -e "listener_certificate_name=ansible-cert"

lookup id by name (listener)

 ansible-playbook -i hosts lookup_name.yml  -e "listener_name=ansible-listener01" -e "elb_name=ansible-elb01"

create DNS PTR record for EIP

 ansible-playbook -i hosts ptrrecord_create.yml -e "public_ip_address=" -e "" -e "ttl=300"

delete DNS PTR record for EIP

 ansible-playbook -i hosts ptrrecord_delete.yml -e "public_ip_address="

show DNS PTR records for EIP

 ansible-playbook -i hosts ptrrecords.yml

list provided database versions for RDS

ansible-playbook -i hosts rds_versions.yml

list provided flavors for selected database version in RDS

 ansible-playbook -i hosts rds_flavors.yml -e "rds_version_id=286a34fc-a605-11e6-88fd-286ed488c9cb"

discover API services

ansible-playbook -i hosts services.yml

show s3 buckets

ansible-playbook -i hosts s3.yml --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

create s3 bucket

ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "bucket=mybucket"  s3_bucket_create.yml  --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

delete s3 bucket

ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "bucket=mybucket"  s3_bucket_delete.yml  --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

upload files in s3 object store (VHD, ZVHD, VMDK, QCOW2 are supported for otc image service)

ansible-playbook -i hosts -e "bucket=mybucket" -e "object=xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.vmdk"  s3_upload.yml  --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

show security groups

ansible-playbook -i hosts secgroups.yml

show security groups (only from one vpc)

ansible-playbook -i hosts secgroups.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc01"

create security group (subtask in tenant_create ecs section)


delete security group

ansible-playbook -i hosts secgroup_delete.yml -e "secgroup_id=6e8ac0a0-e0ec-4c4d-a786-9c9c946fd673"

create security group rule (subtask in tenant_create ecs section)


delete security group rule

ansible-playbook -i hosts secgrouprule_delete.yml -e "secgrouprule_id=3c329359-fef5-402f-b29a-caac734065a1"

show subnets

ansible-playbook -i hosts subnet.yml

create subnet (subtask in tenant_create ecs section)


delete subnet

ansible-playbook -i hosts subnet_delete.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc01" -e "subnet_name=ansible-subnet01"

show vpc

ansible-playbook -i hosts vpc.yml

show vpc router info and set facts

ansible-playbook -i hosts vpc_router.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc01"

create vpc

ansible-playbook -i hosts vpc_create.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc1" -e "vpc_net="

delete vpc

ansible-playbook -i hosts vpc_delete.yml -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc01"

show DNS zones

ansible-playbook -i hosts  zones.yml

create DNS zone (name,type and ttl are mandatory)

ansible-playbook -i hosts zone_create.yml -e "zone_type=public" -e "" -e "zone_description=example zone" -e "" -e "zone_ttl=86400" 

delete DNS zone

ansible-playbook -i hosts zone_delete.yml -e "zone_id=ff80808257e2bb5e0157ec5ca2620234" 

show DNS zone records

ansible-playbook -i hosts  zonerecords.yml

create DNS zonerecord (A-Record) possible values A,AAAA,MX,CNAME,PTR,TXT,NS

ansible-playbook -i hosts zonerecord_create.yml -e "zone_id=ff80808257e2bb5e0157ec620968023a" -e "" -e "zonerecord_type=A" -e "zonerecord_value=" -e "zonerecord_ttl=86400"

create DNS zonerecord (PTR-Record)

see DNS PTR record section

delete DNS zonerecord

ansible-playbook -i hosts zonerecord_delete.yml -e "zone_id=ff80808257e2bb5e0157ec620968023a" -e "zonerecordid=ff80808257e2bb050157ec789b5e027e" 

Full Working Example

configure your VM in tenant.ini and run all necessary roles to bootstrap a VM

ansible-playbook -i hosts tenant_create.yml -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01" --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt

This playbook will create VPC,Subnet, SecurityGroup, SSH-Keypair, allocate Floating-IP and boostrap the VM.

configure your DNS in tenant.ini and deploy all zones and zonerecords

ansible-playbook -i hosts dns_create.yml --vault-password-file vaultpass.txt


Very welcome. We are in a very early state of automated platform deployment on OTC. So each help is still welcome

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_markup)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added Snarkdown")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_markup)
  5. Open a [Pull Request][1]
  6. Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait


A bunch of Ansible roles to manage resources on Open Telekom Cloud







No packages published


  • Shell 100.0%