A C++ library for event-driven asynchronous multi-threaded programming.
The original concept was to create an interface capable of asynchronously calling any function. It has since evolved into a library that incorporates a thread pool, each with its own event loop, event-driven programming, and functions inherently designed for asynchronous operation (including periodic and delayed functions).
The asynchronous filesystem is provided solely to guide users on how to wrap any time- or IO-intensive function for asynchronous execution.
- Object oriented
- Small and easy to integrate
- Header only
- Asynchronous programming
- Multithread
- Asynchronous timer functions: periodic, delayed (like setInterval and setTimeout from JS)
- Typed events (on, tick, off) (like EventEmitter from JS: on, emit, etc)
- Event loops
- Multiple parallel execution loops
- Asynchronous file IO
- Based on ASIO (Boost Asio)
Just download the latest release and unzip it into your project.
#define NUM_OF_RUNNERS 8 // To change the number of threads used by asynco, without this it runs according to the number of cores
#include "asynco/lib/asynco.hpp" // async_ (), await_()
#include "asynco/lib/triggers.hpp" // trigger (event emitter)
#include "asynco/lib/timers.hpp" // periodic, delayed (like setInterval and setTimeout from JS)
#include "asynco/lib/filesystem.hpp" // for async read and write files
using namespace marcelb;
using namespace asynco;
using namespace triggers;
// At the end of the main function, always set
return 0;
Time asynchronous functions
// start periodic
periodic inter1 ([]() {
cout << "Interval 1" << endl;
}, 1000);
// stop periodic
// how many times it has expired
int t = inter1.ticks();
// is it stopped
bool stoped = inter1.stoped();
// start delayed
delayed time1 ( [] () {
cout << "Timeout 1 " << endl;
}, 10000);
// stop delayed
// is it expired
int t = time1.expired();
// is it stopped
bool stoped = time1.stoped();
// If you don't want to save in a variable, but you want to start a timer, use these functions
// And you can also save them, they are only of the shared pointer type
auto d = Delayed( [](){
cout << "Delayed" << endl;
}, 2000);
auto p = Periodic( [](){
cout << "Periodic" << endl;
}, 700);
Periodic( [&] (){
cout << "Delayed expire " << d->expired() << endl;
cout << "Periodic ticks " << p->ticks() << endl;
cout << "Delayed stoped " << d->stoped() << endl;
cout << "Periodic stoped " << p->stoped() << endl;
}, 1000);
Delayed( [&](){
}, 10000);
Make functions asynchronous
* Run an lambda function asynchronously
async_ ( []() {
sleep_for(2s); // only for simulating long duration function
cout << "nonsync " << endl;
return 5;
* Run not lambda function
void notLambdaFunction() {
cout << "Call to not lambda function" << endl;
async_ (notLambdaFunction);
* Run class method
class clm {
void classMethode() {
cout << "Call class method" << endl;
clm classes;
async_ ( [&classes] () {
* await_ after runned as async
auto a = async_ ( []() {
sleep_for(2s); // only for simulating long duration function
cout << "nonsync " << endl;
return 5;
cout << await_(a) << endl;
* await_ async function call and use i cout
cout << await_(async_ ( [] () {
sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); // only for simulating long duration function
cout << "await_ end" << endl;
return 4;
})) << endl;
* Await all
auto a = async_ ( []() {
cout << "A" << endl;
return 3;
auto b = async_ ( []() {
cout << "B" << endl;
throw runtime_error("Test exception");
auto c = async_ ( []() {
cout << "C" << endl;
return "Hello";
int a_;
string c_;
auto await_all = [&] () {
a_ = await_(a);
c_ = await_(c);
try {
cout << "a_ " << a_ << " c_ " << c_ << endl;
} catch (const exception& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl;
// // same type
vector<future<void>> fut_vec;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
async_ ( [i]() {
cout << "Async_ " << i << endl;
auto await_all = [&] () {
for (int i=0; i<fut_vec.size(); i++) {
await_ (fut_vec[i]);
* Sleep with delayed sleep implement
void sleep_to (int _time) {
promise<void> _promise;
delayed t( [&]() {
}, _time);
return _promise.get_future().get();
* Catch promise reject
void promise_reject (int _time) {
promise<void> _promise;
delayed t( [&]() {
try {
// simulate except
throw runtime_error("Error simulation");
} catch (...) {
}, _time);
return _promise.get_future().get();
try {
} catch (runtime_error err) {
cout<< err.what() << endl;
* initialization of typed events
trigger<int, int> ev2int;
trigger<int, string> evintString;
trigger<> evoid;
ev2int.on("sum", [](int a, int b) {
cout << "Sum " << a+b << endl;
evintString.on("substract", [](int a, string b) {
cout << "Substract " << a-stoi(b) << endl;
evoid.on("void", []() {
cout << "Void emited" << endl;
// multiple listeners
string emited2 = "2";
evoid.on("void", [&]() {
cout << "Void emited " << emited2 << endl;
* Emit
ev2int.tick("sum", 5, 8);
evintString.tick("substract", 3, to_string(2));
// Turn off the event listener
evoid.tick("void"); // nothing is happening
Extend own class whit events
class myOwnClass : public trigger<int> {
myOwnClass() : trigger() {};
myOwnClass myclass;
delayed t( [&] {
myclass.tick("constructed", 1);
}, 200);
myclass.on("constructed", [] (int i) {
cout << "Constructed " << i << endl;
Implementing a class with multiple triggers of different types
class ClassWithTriggers {
trigger<int> emitter1;
trigger<string> emitter2;
template<typename... T>
void on(const string& key, function<void(T...)> callback) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(T) == 1 && is_same_v<tuple_element_t<0, tuple<T...>>, int>) {
emitter1.on(key, callback);
else if constexpr (sizeof...(T) == 1 && is_same_v<tuple_element_t<0, tuple<T...>>, string>) {
emitter2.on(key, callback);
template <typename... Args>
void tick(const string& key, Args&&... args) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 1 && is_same_v<tuple_element_t<0, tuple<Args...>>, int>) {
emitter1.tick(key, forward<Args>(args)...);
else if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 1 && is_same_v<tuple_element_t<0, tuple<Args...>>, string>) {
emitter2.tick(key, forward<Args>(args)...);
else {
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == 0, "Unsupported number or types of arguments");
ClassWithTriggers mt;
mt.on<int>("int", function<void(int)>([&](int i) {
cout << "Emit int " << i << endl;
mt.on<string>("string", function<void(string)>([&](string s) {
cout << "Emit string " << s << endl;
mt.tick("int", 5);
mt.tick("string", string("Hello world"));
Asynchronous file IO
string data_;
fs::read("test.txt", [&data_] (string data, exception* error) {
if (error) {
cout << "Error " << error->what() << endl;
} else {
cout << "Data " << endl << data << endl;
data_ = data;
cout << "Data_" << data_ << endl;
fs::write("test1.txt", "Hello world", [] (exception* error) {
if (error) {
cout << "Error " << error->what() << endl;
} else {
cout << "Write successfuly" << endl;
auto future_data = fs::read("test.txt");
try {
string data = await_(future_data);
} catch (exception& err) {
cout << err.what() << endl;
auto future_status = fs::write("test.txt", "Hello world");
try {
} catch (exception& err) {
cout << err.what() << endl;
For support and any feedback, contact the address: marcelb96@yahoo.com.
Contributions are always welcome!
Feel free to fork and start working with or without a later pull request. Or contact for suggest and request an option.