This is a template Chainlink External Adaptor written in Rust. Chainlink External Adaptors are how you integrate custom off chain computations into your on-chain application.
It receives calls from a contract on-chain, makes calls to an API, does some example calculations, and returns values to chain.
install deps
$ npm i
move .env.example to .env
$ mv .env.example .env
then add your private key and infura API key to .env
Follow the instructions to set up a Chainlink External Adaptor Node on your local machine in a Docker
You will need to install Docker, Sqlworkbench, and set up and AWS postgreSQL database. The instructions linked above walk you through this. You will also need to install Hardhat:
npm i hardhat
Once you have set everything up, each time you start up your Chainlink node again requires:
Connect postgreSQl to workbench:
$ sh
Pull desired docker image if not already present in docker:
$ docker pull smartcontract/chainlink:1.7.0-root
$ docker run -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-goerli:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink:1.7.0-nonroot local n
Make sure your ip is permitted in inbound security group settings for AWS PostgreSql backend. Add your ip, which you can find with the command:
$ dig -4 TXT +short
To launch the API on the localhost:
$ Cargo run
Create a Chainlink job by copying the example_job.toml into the Chainlink node operator UI. Create a bridge in the UI, specifying the name of the bridge in the job (.i.e. rust_proof_verifier), and make sure to specify that the url is a docker internal address: http://host.docker.internal:8000/compute
You must deploy the operator.sol contract using the deploy_operator function and call the set_authorized_senders function. You can do by subsituting your own node address as the authorized sender when you call this script below
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_operator.js --network goerli
Deploy contract using
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli
BlockTime.sol is a test contract. You can see our real contracts at BlockTime.sol is deployed at 0xa8f4eD2ecE0CaF2fdCf1dA617f000D827b30ED19.
Trigger Chainlink API contract function for basic testing using
$ npx hardhat run scripts/test_example_ea.js --network goerli
Make sure your contract is funded with some testnet link which you can get here
To test run
$ cargo test
Look at unit testing framework in to write tests specific to your application