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Natural Cycles

Backend Challenge (Node.JS, Express, prettier & typescript)

Development prerequisites

Copy .env.example to .env

Follow the two Firebase steps (see "Production prerequisites") and set the ENV variables (for all the "Production prerequisites" steps) in this .env file

For the SESSION environment variable, use the development example

Then you are ready to go (Development quickstart)

Production prerequisites

Firebase Realtime Database - Service account creation for Admin SDK

Create a service account

Save the content of the serviceAccountKey.json in the SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable


Firebase Realtime Database - Create an email index and define read/write rules

In the Firebase Console > Project > Database > Rules, replace and save the following configuration:

  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth.uid != null",
    ".write": false,
    "development": {
      "user": {
      	".indexOn": ["email"]
    "production": {
      "user": {
      	".indexOn": ["email"]


Session config

Create the SESSION environment variable from the .env.example file (production example) & define name, secret & domain


WARNING if = true

The connexion should be https and https only

If NGINX proxy is used, NGINX conf should contain:

map $http_x_forwarded_proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto {
  default $http_x_forwarded_proto;
  ''      $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto;


session.cookie.domain = ""

main domain (and subdomains for news browsers)

session.cookie.maxAge = 3153600000000

1000 ms x 60 s x 60 m x 24 h x 365 j = 100 ans

Blake2b config

Create the BLAKE2B environment variable from the .env.example file & define key & salt

App config

Create the PORT environment variable from the .env.example file & define the backend application port

Create the NODE_ENV environment variable from the .env.example file & define the environment (development, production, ...)

Development quickstart

$ npm install
$ npm run start

Open http://localhost:8080

Production quickstart

$ npm install --only=production
$ npm run prod-start

Staging quickstart

Example with (

$ npm i -g now # install now client globally
$ now login # login with your email

# NOW.SH secrets setting example
$ now secrets add node_env production
$ now secrets add port 80
$ now secrets add blake2b '{"key": "key - up to 64 bytes for blake2b, 32 for blake2s blake2s blake2s", "salt": "<n47ur4l cycl35>"}'
$ now secrets add service_account '{"type": "service_account","project_id": "natural-cycles-[id]","private_key_id": "[40 hexa characters]","private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n[very long key]\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n","client_email": "firebase-adminsdk-[id]@natural-cycles-[id]","client_id": "[21 numbers]","auth_uri": "","token_uri": "","auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "","client_x509_cert_url": "[id]c%40natural-cycles-[id]"}'
$ now secrets add session '{"name": "[cookie-name]","secret": "[string or array. more informations here]","cookie": {  "secure": true,  "httpOnly": true,  "sameSite": "lax",  "domain": "",  "maxAge": 3153600000000},"resave": false,"saveUninitialized": false}'

$ cd natural-cycles # move to the project directory
$ now # deploy to staging

Actual staging is here

Before to use in production

  • Use a session store in order to keep the client session through all instances and to be server crash resilient (such as connect-redis)
  • If there is a huge amount of accounts and/or few memory on the server, remove UserController.users (UserCollection) and query directly the database
  • If the app is used behind a proxy:
  • Emails should be encrypted in the database (if someone access to the data, he should not be able to get the emails)
  • Use Helmet & follow "Production Best Practices: Security"
  • Use the cors in order to reduce unexpected traffic
  • Use of Node.js clusters on servers with multicores processor in order to improve the performances

