PLEASE NOTE: I am no longer developing using YUI since around February 2013. You are welcome to fork this repo and make changes, but I an unable to maintain this repo in the future.
As of January 2013, the following are my current deployments to YUI Gallery;
- gallery-paginator-view (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-paginator (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-selection (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-editable (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-celleditor-popup (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-celleditor-inline (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-formatters (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-contextmenu-view (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
- gallery-datatable-contextmenu (source | API Docs | YUI Gallery Page)
Please refer to each module's README or HISTORY file within the src/ path for info and related change history
NOTE: I'm in the process of moving my old YUI Gallery modules ( from the old gihub yui3-gallery repo ( over to the new yogi build / Gallery system.