Simulating network of connected distributed nodes that communicate with each other using SOAP protocole (javax.xml.soap) and TCP sockets ( Nodes can send simple text messages to specified nodes (unicast), group of nodes (multicast) and all nodes in network (broadcast).
Nodes can be divided into sub-networks - groups. Each node in the group can be identified by a string consisting of group name and machine name.
Group part and machine part are sepparated with single dash letter.
Unicast - single node. Target below reffers to node 1 in group a.
Multicast - group of nodes. Target bellow reffers to all nodes in group a.
Broadcast - all nodes in the network (self included).
There are two node types:
- Simple node
- Router node
Simple node is basically a machine in a group (sub-network). It is connected only to the next node in same network.
Router node is node connected to its group and also to another router node. Router nodes are used to connect sub-networks together. All cross-group communication is managed by this type of nodes.
start javaw -jar router-node.jar --nodePort=5060 --nodeId="a-R" --nextNetworkNodePort=5061 --nextRouterNodePort=5070
start javaw -jar router-node.jar --nodePort=5070 --nodeId="b-R" --nextNetworkNodePort=5071 --nextRouterNodePort=5080
start javaw -jar router-node.jar --nodePort=5080 --nodeId="c-R" --nextNetworkNodePort=5081 --nextRouterNodePort=5060
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5061 --nodeId="a-1" --nextNodePort=5062
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5062 --nodeId="a-2" --nextNodePort=5060
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5071 --nodeId="b-1" --nextNodePort=5072
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5072 --nodeId="b-2" --nextNodePort=5070
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5081 --nodeId="c-1" --nextNodePort=5082
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5082 --nodeId="c-2" --nextNodePort=5080
Nodes can be distributed on different machines. It is possible to specify target host addresses. If not specified - it defaults to localhost.
start javaw -jar simple-node.jar --nodePort=5082 --nodeId="c-2" --nextNodeHost="" --nextNodePort=5080
start javaw -jar router-node.jar --nodePort=5080 --nodeId="c-R" --nextNetworkNodeHost="" --nextNetworkNodePort=5081 --nextRouterNodeHost="" --nextRouterNodePort=5060