A simple ansible role to add a unix user with its ssh key.
It was tested on the following versions:
- 1.9
- 2.0 (required for Windows)
- 2.3
- 2.4
- 2.5
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, Centos 6, 7 and OpenBSD 5.8.
Just include this role in your list. For example
- host: myhost
- juju4.adduser
you probably want to review variables
adduser_user_name: deploy
adduser_user_comments: ""
adduser_sudoroot: true
adduser_password: change_me_or_die!
- dummykey.pub
- adduser_user_name: username to add
- adduser_password: input should be hash except for darwin. please use ansible vault to store your real password
- adduser_public_keys: list of corresponding authorized keys
This role has a travis basic test (for github), more advanced with kitchen and also a Vagrantfile (test/vagrant). Default kitchen config (.kitchen.yml) is lxd-based, while (.kitchen.vagrant.yml) is vagrant/virtualbox based.
Once you ensured all necessary roles are present, You can test with:
$ gem install kitchen-ansible kitchen-lxd_cli kitchen-sync kitchen-vagrant
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.adduser
$ kitchen verify
$ kitchen login
$ KITCHEN_YAML=".kitchen.vagrant.yml" kitchen verify
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.adduser/test/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
under OpenBSD, leaving password field cause an issue.
repomd.xml does not match metalink for epel
on Centos/Redhat uncomment baselist and comment mirrorlist in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30949707/centos-6-6-errno-1-repomd-xml-does-not-match-metalink-for-updates-when-tryin) Centos6 might also need ansible 2.1 (not 2.2) because ofERROR! Unexpected Exception: 'module' object has no attribute 'HAVE_DECL_MPZ_POWM_SEC'
BSD 2-clause