released this
11 Aug 08:56
Send 301 for retrieve requests in EntryViewSet with old entry ids
Added Showroom connector
Added connection to User Preferences API
Added support for Sentry
Added possibility to sort media objects
Added possibility to feature a media object
Added showroom_id field to Entry model
Added support for nginx crop and resize in media_server
Added crop and resize to dev config of nginx
Added management command to push entries to Showroom
Added management command to manually start the conversion process of a media object
Added management command to fix missing previews
Added management commands for fixing migrations issues
Added documentation of Showroom settings
BREAKING : Updated shortuuid to 1.0.8
BREAKING : Migrated all existing shortuuids to new format
BREAKING : Migrated all existing media directories
Changed search from TrigramSimilarity to TrigramWordSimilarity
Increased max_length of FileField in Media model
Adapted dev config of nginx
Fixed prefLabel caching in
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