Category theory for OCaml
Also see the src/examples
directory for more comprehensive examples.
(* Bifunctor for tuple *)
let ex1 () : int * string =
Bifunctor.Tuple.bimap (fun x -> x * 2) string_of_float
(42, 3.14159)
(* Foldable for list *)
let ex4 () : int =
let module F = Foldable.List in
let module Add = Monoid.Additive.Int in
let module Mul = Monoid.Multiplicative.Int in
let input = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
let lhs = F.fold_map (module Add) id input in
let rhs = F.fold_map (module Mul) id input in
Add.op lhs rhs
(* Applicative for list *)
let ex5 () : int list =
let module A = Applicative.List in
A.apply [(fun x -> x * 2); (fun x -> x * 4); (fun x -> x * 8)] [1; 2; 3]
Modular implicits provide implicit module resolution functionality based on elaboration into first-class functors. They are similar to canonical structures or modular type classes. Modular implicits support higher-rank, higher-kinded polymorphism.
See the paper for further details.
(* Bifunctor for tuple, variant, etc. *)
let ex1 () : _ =
let open implicit I.Bifunctor in
let module M = I.Bifunctor in
let _ = M.bimap (fun x -> x * 2) string_of_float (42, 3.14159) in
let _ = M.bimap (fun x -> x ^ "bar") (fun y -> y + 1) (Coproduct.inl "foo") in
let _ = M.bimap (fun x -> "foo" ^ x) (fun y -> y *. 2.0) (Coproduct.inr 1.0) in
(* Foldable for option, list, etc. *)
let ex4 () : _ =
let open implicit I.Foldable in
let module M = I.Foldable in
let module Add = Monoid.Additive.Int in
let module Mul = Monoid.Multiplicative.Int in
let _ = M.fold_map (module Add) id [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
let _ = M.fold_map (module Mul) id [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] in
let _ = M.fold_map (module Add) id None in
let _ = M.fold_map (module Mul) id (Some 5) in
(* Applicative for option, list, etc. *)
let ex5 () : _ =
let open implicit I.Applicative in
let module M = I.Apply in
let _ = M.apply (Some (fun x -> x ^ "bar")) (Some "foo") in
let _ = M.apply [(fun x -> x * 2); (fun x -> x * 4); (fun x -> x * 8)] [1; 2; 3] in
The modular implicits functionality is available as a separate library
that builds on the standard definitions in cats
. The
library can be built with the
modular implicits compiler
which is also available via opam switch 4.02.1+modular-implicits-ber
The cats
library is not yet available on the OPAM repository but you
can install it directly from this repository in the meantime with the
opam pin add cats git://
Once this completes, cats
should be available as usual with
Once cats
is installed as above, you can load it up in the toplevel:
utop # #use "topfind";;
utop # #require "cats";;
utop # string_of_int [0; 1; 2];;
- : bytes list = ["0"; "1"; "2"]
Building the code requires the following:
If you have opam
you may optionally to switch to a new ocaml
opam switch install cats -A 4.02.2
# (optional) switch to a new ocaml envopam pin add cats .
The cats
library can be built with ocamlbuild
using the build script:
Additionally, the implicits
library can be built using
if you have the appropriate compiler installed.