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Battlecode 2024


Note, Competitors

This is the development repo! You most likely won't need anything in here; do not clone this. Instead, follow the instructions here to get started.

Repository Structure

  • /engine: Game engine in Java
  • /specs: Game specs in Markdown (and HTML generation)
  • /schema: Game serialization schema (basically, an encoding of all units and events in a game)
  • /client: Game client (visualizer and playback) in TypeScript
  • /example-bots: A bunch of example bots for the game!



Windows users: Instead of ./gradlew, use gradlew for all commands.

(whenever Gradle has problems with something, run ./gradlew clean and see if it helps)

To run a game, run

./gradlew headless

The replay file will be in /matches. Use headlessX for bots that are in battlecode20-internal-test-bots. You can specify the robot code and map like this: ./gradlew headless -Pmaps=maptestsmall -PteamA=examplefuncsplayer -PteamB=examplefuncsplayer.


(Make sure you have a recent version of npm: sudo npm cache clean -f && sudo npm install -g n && sudo n stable && PATH="$PATH".)

Navigate to the client folder and run npm run install-all. You can then run

npm run watch

which will launch the client on http://localhost:8080 (if available).

Notes for porting to a new repo

When the next edition of Battlecode comes around, it will probably useful to reuse a fair amount of this codebase. Maintaining git history is nice. Use git-filter-repo for this:

pip3 install git-filter-repo

Make sure you have a recent git version (run git --version and make sure it's compatible with git-filter-repo).

As an example, the following steps were taken to port from battlehack20 to this repo:

First, create a fresh battlecode21 repo on GitHub. Clone it. Then, starting in that repo:

cd ..
git clone battlehack20-export
cd battlehack20-export
git filter-repo --tag-rename '':'bh20-'
cd ..
cd battlecode21
git pull ../battlehack20-export —allow-unrelated-histories

(Git filter-repo can do lots of cool things; see its documenation, old examples in our repo, etc. for ideas. For example, renaming directories is possible. )

Then, port all of the codebase! Don't forget to update the files in the highest level of the repo too, such as this readme itself, and the release script.