This is the result of what I learned about Data Analyst with R 2021 at DataCamp. All of these answers were written by myself as part of the career tracks programming language R from Datacamp.
- Introduction to R
- Intermediate R
- Intorduction to the Tidyverse
- Data Manipulation with dplyr
- Joining Data with dplyr
- Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2
- Reporting with R Markdown
- Data Manipulation with data.table in R
- Joining Data with data.table in R
- Introduction to Importing Data in R
- Intermediate Importing Data in R
- Cleaning Data in R
- Exploratory Data Analysis in R
- Case Study: Exploratory Data Analysis in R
- Introduction to Statistics in R
- Categorical Data in the Tidyverse
- Introduction to SQL
- Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL
- Joining Data in SQL
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