This release that pulls forward a lot of Google internal work from the past year. It still keeps metadata like the package version in the license
rule. That will be moved to package_info
rules in an upcoming releases. For now, this one should be API compatible with 0.0.3.
New Features
- broader dependency traversal
- more useful output from gather_licenses_info
Incompatible Changes
- JSON output from gather_licenses_info is changed completely. This is still subject to change so the best documentation for the format is in the code that consumes it.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "rules_license",
urls = [
sha256 = "6157e1e68378532d0241ecd15d3c45f6e5cfd98fc10846045509fb2a7cc9e381",
Using the rules
See the source.