This project aims to deliver an easy to use and free as in freedom php component full of toolbox things you need on your daily work with php.
The current change log can be found here.
mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_toolbox
cd vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_toolbox
git clone .
With Packagist
composer require net_bazzline/php_component_toolbox:dev-master
- Combine - advanced implementation of array_combine
- Merge - advanced implementation of array_merge
- ChunkIterator - easy up iteration by defining a minimum, a maxium and a step width and returning a Chunk
- EnumerableDeferred - enables you to execute a prepare or a cleanup function after processing n entries
- Experiment - enables you to try to execute a callback up to x times
- Text - contains useful functions working with strings
API is available at
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