Visualize and track the world fleet based on's global feed of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data.
Sea Spy is designed to track hundreds of thousands of vessels via Google Maps without marker clustering or zoom level density filtering. In addition to the world fleet, Sea Spy can be leveraged to track personal fleets via's subscription filtering options.
Generate API Keys
Build Sea Spy
git clone cd seaspy go build .
Checkout the releases page for available binaries.
Configure Sea Spy
- Create a configuration file from an example found in doc/config/
- Add API keys to seaspy.json
- Adjust aisstream subscription (default is world fleet)
- See aisstream documentation on bounding boxes and mmsi filters
- Adjust swabby values to prune ships that have not been updated within that time period and the duration of ship route history data to store
Run Sea Spy
./seaspy -c seaspy.json
Verify Sea Spy is running
- Open your browser
- Navigate to
Slow close on SIGINT when stream volume is very low
The aisstream go routine may take up to HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT+HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL seconds to close if the volume of the aisstream feed is very low. This is due to the select within aisstream.ConnectAndStream waiting for a Read to complete. When no traffic is present, that Read will complete on heartbeat interval. Won't fix as it's not a bug and could be alleviated with a shorter heartbeat interval or SIGKILL if the program must be closed immediately.
- Filter buttons (Ship Type, No Names, Last Seen, etc)
- Implement additional AIS message types and associated features (Currently only position report and ship static data messages are utilized)