Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.0
Add Documents( component
N.notify : Append a variety of usage
N.notify(opts).add(msg, url)
N.notify.add(msg, url)
N(position).notify(opts).add(msg, url)
Add html option
Natural-UI v0.8.14.36
N.alert : Fixed a bug that caused an error when assigning a selector(not jQuery Object) string to the container option.
N.alert : Add html option
N.alert : Support touch screen when drag the message dialog by adding touch events
N.alert : Fixed onOpen related bugs
N.popup : Modified the relevant logic by adding the html option to N.alert
N.popup : Modified event bind and unbind related logic
N.grid : Supports touch screen by adding touch event to "resize" and "vResize" related events
N.grid : Specifying 0 in opts.scrollPaging.size made the scrolling paging not to be performed.
N.grid : Adding a feature to append rows by specifying the string "append" as the second argument to the bind function
N.grid : By applying a queue to the bind function, calling the bind function during rendering guarantees the number of times it has been called : Fixed onOpen related bugs : Fixed a bug where the context function was not called : blockOnActiveWhenCreate 옵션 추가
N.pagination : Add totalCount method
N.pagination : Add blockOnChangeWhenBind option
N.pagination : Add currPageNavInfo method
N.pagination : Added value of totalCount property to currPageNavInfo among arguments of onChange event callback
N.form : Fixed a bug that row_data_changed__ class did not apply when value was specified with val function
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.5
Changed the pageId selector of N(pageId selector).cont selector that does not have to be the id selector from now on
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.20
Remove N.element.excuteAfterEffect function
Add N.element.getMaxDuration function
Add N.element.whichAnimationEvent function
Add N.element.whichTransitionEvent function
Add N.element.touchHandler function
Add function
Add ios, android condition to
N.gc : Modified event bind and unbind related logics
N.gc : Add touch event related collectors
Add Documents( related styles
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