Releases: bbalganjjm/natural_js
Natural-CORE v0.8.6.11
- N.element.toData : Now, if the target element is not an input element, create the value if the id attribute exists.
- N.comm.request : Added "reload" method to reload the block page
Natural-UI v0.8.15.31
- N.grid : Deprecated the N.grid().options.misc.withoutTbodyLength option value.
- Removed all parts that reference the value of N.grid () .options.misc.withoutTbodyLength In codes.
- N.grid : Added column merge feature
- It is a feature that makes cell elements look like they are merged, not physically merged.
- N.grid, N.list : Complementing functionality to get more accurate row index values.
- N.grid, N.list : If you click on an element set by checkAllTarget or checkSingleTarget, the selection is disabled even if the select option is true.
- N.grid, N.list : Improved the get it more accurately to get the index value selected by the "check" method or retrieving data with the data ("checked") method.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the feature to get data for selected rows with the .data("selected") option.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the select method
- Feature to get the index of the selected row or to select the row by the inputed row index
- N.grid, N.list : Appended the feature to check method that is select the checkbox by inputed row index
- N.form : Changed options.InitialInputData attribute name to options.InitialData
- N.form : Added the feature to unbind the text of an element that is not an input element when call the unbind method
- N.form : Added a feature that extracts the column data by entering column names sequentially from the second argument of data method.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.7
- : Changed the name of the closeBtnControll internal variable to closeBtnControl
- : Add a "reload" method to reload the contents page
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-CORE v0.8.6.10
- Added new pseudo selector for testing regular expression on attribute value
- Cleaning naming of function arguments
- Fixed function error
- Fixed function error
- Remove N.browser.browserHeight function
- Remove N.browser.documentHeight function
- Remove N.string.matches function
- A manual has been written for the CORE utilities.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.24
- N : Added N.serialExecute function that allows hierarchical callbacks of asynchronous execution logic to be executed serially.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.10
- N.cont : Fixed a bug where AOP did not work properly when the same page was loaded when the view element was specified with class selector.
- N.cont.aop : Modified Controller.aop.wrap to evaluate controller's view through selector before evaluate all properties - lemonfish's works.
- N.comm : Added filter interruption feature. - lemonfish's works.
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.20
- N.formatter : Fixed a bug where the Datepicker dialog box was incorrectly displayed when N.datepicker was used declaratively with the N.list component.
Natural-UI v0.8.15.13
- Add N.list component using UL / LI element as component template
- Integration of duplicate functions in UI package into N.UI object functions(Integration in progress).
- N.grid : Changed rowContainerEle, tbodyWrap, tbodyOffset variable names to contextEle, contextWrapEle, contextWrapOffset.
- N.grid : Added unselect option to disable the ability to reselect a row when the select option is true.
- N.grid : Fixed a bug where select was not added when addSelect option was true.
- N.grid : Add rowHandlerBeforeBind event to be executed before binding when bind or add
- N.grid : Changed the execution point of the rowHandler to execute after a bind when call the bind or add method.
- If the previous source code fails with rowHandler, replace rowHandler with rowHandlerBeforeBind.
- However, if you get a rowHandler error when you add, modify the rowHandler implementation. Sorry.
- N.grid : Now, if you use radio input and Grid in conjunction, you can put radio input in the grid.
- N.form : Changed onBindBefore, onBindAfter event names to onBeforeBind, onBind.
- N.popup : Fixed a bug where the key event handler was falling infinite loop intermittently when the calling order was complex.
- : Changed the tab_content_active__ class to be added before onActive executes.
- N.list : Fixed a bug where does not selected when adding rows even though the addSelect option was true.
- N.list : Fixed a bug that did not scroll to the line when it was added or append even if appendScroll option is true.
- : Fixed an issue where radio selections would disappear due to duplicate name attribute values when running components on the radio with the same id between block pages.
- Changed this context in the event handlers of all components(rowHandler, onBind, onSelect, etc.) to instances of that component.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.6
- N.doc : Removed the cont (arguments [0]) argument from the handler of the onLoad event
- N.doc : Added a doc method to get the information of the loaded content(page).
- N.doc : Added cont method to get controller (N.cont) object of loaded contents (page).
- N.doc : Added the API manual.
- Added N.list's default styles
- Changed the height property of v_resizable__ to 3
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.23
- N.gc : Cleaning events related to N.datepicker
- N.element.toData : Changed the radio and checkbox selector and optimized the execution logic.
- N.element.isWrappedSet : Modified to return false without an error when null or undefined is entered as an argument.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.7
- N.comm : Fixed a bug where the q parameter and the null string were added even if the URL did not have a parameter when requesting HTTP GET method.
- N.comm : Add feature to define order of execution of filter by adding order property to filter object
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.19
- N.formatter : Fixed a bug where rules were not applied when dynamically changing format rules with $(selector).data("format", rules)
- N.formatter : Optimize "date" rule.
- N.formatter : Fixed a bug where the datepicker dialog sometimes displayed in the wrong place
- N.formatter : Deprecated phonenum rule(It has been replaced by the "phone" rule.)
- N.formatter : Changed the ssn rule to be formatted according to the length of the string in Resident registration number or US Social Security Number form
- Later, "rrn"(Resident registration number) check logic will be removed
- N.formatter : Add rrn(Resident registration number) rule,
- N.formatter : Add masking rules("phone", "email", "address", "name", "rrn"(Resident registration number), etc. personal information masking processing)
- N.validator : Deprecated ssn rule(It has been replaced by the "rrn" rule, Later, "ssn" will be replaced by the US Social Security Number)
- N.validator : Deprecated frn_ssn rule(It has been replaced by the "frn_rrn" rule.)
- N.validator : Fixed a bug where the match, accept, acceptFileExt, notAccept, notMatch, notAcceptFileExt, equalTo, maxlength, minlength, rangelength, maxbyte, minbyte, rangebyte, maxvalue, minvalue, rangevalue and regexp rule's message did not display correctly.
- N.validator : Fixed a bug where regexp rule's message argument was not applied.
Natural-UI v0.8.14.81
N.alert : Fixed a bug where the message overlay was displayed incorrectly when the message dialog was specified by specifying a block.
N.alert : Changed the logic for calculate the location when a dialog leaves the draggable area.
N.alert : Fixed a bug that caused $(window) .height() calculation to be wrong(overlay height/width, etc.) on mobile
N.alert : Add overlayClose option
- Whether to close the popup when clicking the overlay
N.alert : Added an option to specify the top and left positions of the message dialog box.
N.datepicker : Fixed an error displayed below the previous input element when selecting another datepicker's input element after data was displayed
N.datepicker : Add an onHide event that runs after the date picker dialog disappears
N.datepicker : Added feature to assign the onSelect, onBeforeShow, onBeforeHide, and onHide events to the input element as a jQuery event bind function, and to execute the event in that situation.
N.datepicker : Improve overall performance and consistency
N.popup : If init is delayed by AOP, if delayContInit is set to true among the tab initialization options the onOpenProcFn__(onOpen replacement) function defined to Controller's attribute.
- the onOpenProcFn__ can be executed directly the AOP'S advisor or init.
N.popup : Changed internal function loadEle to loadContent
N.popup : Added overlayClose option
- Closes popup when clicking overlay.
N.popup : Added an option to specify the top and left positions of pop-ups.
N.popup : Fixed a bug that did not displayed pop-up title when title was assigned to the top element of pop-up content.
N.popup : Fixed a bug where the popup element was not removed even if the closeMode option was set to "remove".
- : Fixed a bug where tab options were not defined as imperative when initializing tabs
- : Added feature to scroll left and right and drag (touch support) when tabs are larger than the width of the tab container.
- Added "tabScrollCorrection : { tabContainerWidthCorrectionPx : 0, tabContainerWidthReCalcDelayTime : 0 }" option to use when tab width calculation is not working properly.
- : Add "hidden__" class when tab content disappears
- : Add "onLoad" event.
- : Add stateless option to tab-declared option(Reload contents every time a tab is selected without maintaining state)
- : Changed Internal option name "dataOpts" to "tabOpts".
- : Correct the overall execution order consistency of onActive and onOpen so that N.cont's init is excute after completion.
- : If init is delayed by AOP, if you specify true for the delayContInit option so that onActive and onOpen can be executed directly from AOP advisor or init, the onActiveProcFn__ and onOpenProcFn__ functions are put into the controller.
N.form : Fixed a bug where format and validate did not work when calling the val method.
N.form : Improve performance the validate function
N.form : When specifying a null value with the val method, modified it to change to a blank string instead of changing it to a String like "null".
N.form : HTML5 input type support.
- number, email, search, color, range, url input types support.
- date, datetime-local, month, time, week types does not support formatting, so it does not support it.
N.form : If the row index is specified as the first or second argument of the add method, a row is added before the specified row.
N.grid : If the addTop option is false, the scrolling paging(be seted the scrollPaging.size option is 0) feature and the effect that rows are drawn in sequence(be seted the createRowDelay option is 0) are disabled.
N.grid : When calling the add method, remove the selection of the first input element of the generated row, and changed the selected row to be selected if the select option is true.
- Add addSelect option: If addSelect is false, the added row is not automatically selected.
N.grid : If the "append" argument is entered when calling the bind method, the value of the scrollPaging.size option is automatically set to 0 to disable the scroll paging and to scroll to the appended location.
- Add appendScroll option: If appendScroll is false, it does not scroll to the appended location when appended bind.
N.grid : Fixed bug where filter dialogs occasionally appear and disappear immediately.
N.grid : Fixed a bug where format and validate did not work when calling the val method.
N.grid : Resize bar width changed from 3 to 5
N.grid : When you call the revert method, only the data has been restored but Changed to be restored to the unbind state(remove the rowStatus property and the data_changed__, row_data_changed__ class that is indicate the state of data change)
N.grid : Add checkSingleTarget option
N.grid : Fixed a bug where the cell width was pushed when the rowspan was specified in the cell when the resize feature was enabled.
N.grid : Corrected the written error that the "height" option name was "heigth"
N.grid : Add feature to add a row before the specified row if row index is specified as the first or second argument of the add method.
- Execution logic optimization
N.grid : Fixed a bug where the index (arguments[0]) argument and the options.misc.withoutTbodyLength variable in the onSelect callback were given incorrect values when the tfoot element was exist.
N.grid : tbodyTemp, tbodyTempClone, tbodyContainer, tbodyLength Internal variable names changed to tempRowEle, tempRowEleClone, rowContainerEle, rowEleLength.
- : Add "index" method.
- : Add "remove" method.
- : It changed for options excluding contexts are defined only for the name attribute without the id attribute
- : Fixed a bug where the checkbox was not checked intermittently when the label was clicked.
- : I have changed and optimized the arrangement of the radio and checkbox elements to fix a bug where the selection element was not selected when the label was clicked.(when you apply the new version, your existing site may look different. Please modify the CSS)
Fixed a bug in null binding for all components to which data is bound(when null is inputed, it is bound a basic data)
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.3
- : Fixed to return false when the tab was removed when the page ID did not exist.
- : Fixed a bug that caused an error if the page did not have N.cont.
- : Apply N.comm.request
- If you do request.attr ("attrNm", attrObj) like N.comm before calling the add method, it will be send to the request argument of N.cont's init of the calling page.
- Add "hidden__" class for and N.alert
- : Change style according to element structure change
- : Add tab scrolling related styles
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.0
- Add Documents( component
- N.notify : Append a variety of usage
- N.notify(opts).add(msg, url)
- N.notify.add(msg, url)
- N(position).notify(opts).add(msg, url)
- Add html option
Natural-UI v0.8.14.36
- N.alert : Fixed a bug that caused an error when assigning a selector(not jQuery Object) string to the container option.
- N.alert : Add html option
- N.alert : Support touch screen when drag the message dialog by adding touch events
- N.alert : Fixed onOpen related bugs
- N.popup : Modified the relevant logic by adding the html option to N.alert
- N.popup : Modified event bind and unbind related logic
- N.grid : Supports touch screen by adding touch event to "resize" and "vResize" related events
- N.grid : Specifying 0 in opts.scrollPaging.size made the scrolling paging not to be performed.
- N.grid : Adding a feature to append rows by specifying the string "append" as the second argument to the bind function
- N.grid : By applying a queue to the bind function, calling the bind function during rendering guarantees the number of times it has been called
- : Fixed onOpen related bugs
- : Fixed a bug where the context function was not called
- : blockOnActiveWhenCreate 옵션 추가
- N.pagination : Add totalCount method
- N.pagination : Add blockOnChangeWhenBind option
- N.pagination : Add currPageNavInfo method
- N.pagination : Added value of totalCount property to currPageNavInfo among arguments of onChange event callback
- N.form : Fixed a bug that row_data_changed__ class did not apply when value was specified with val function
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.5
- Changed the pageId selector of N(pageId selector).cont selector that does not have to be the id selector from now on
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.20
- Remove N.element.excuteAfterEffect function
- Add N.element.getMaxDuration function
- Add N.element.whichAnimationEvent function
- Add N.element.whichTransitionEvent function
- Add N.element.touchHandler function
- Add function
- Add ios, android condition to
- N.gc : Modified event bind and unbind related logics
- N.gc : Add touch event related collectors
- Cleaning garbage options
- Add Documents( related styles
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.16
- Fixed a bug where N.isElement function caused an error when Array was put as argument.
- N.isArraylike has been Deprecated.
- Add a N.element.excuteAfterEffect function : executes logic after the duration of the specified effect.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.4
- It complemented the problem that only the first object in the Array is sended if the parameter type is Array when used with N(parameter).comm
- If you specify a value of "true" for the dataIsArray property at the time of the request, the Array is passed as is(It was an unavoidable solution because jQuery's structure).
- N.comm : Fixed a bug that caused an error if parameter type was Array when using N.comm (parameter, options).
Natural-UI v0.8.14.18
- Fix the firefox's keyevent related bugs
- N.button : Clean the effect option related garbage codes
- N.alert : Change the default value of the alwaysOnTopCalcTarget option to "div, span, ul, p, nav, article, section"
- Remove all options other than the required values
- Clean the comments
Natural-UI v0.8.14.14
Change init logic of N.popup and according to AOP addition
Fix the N.gird's data filter search related bug
Fix the N.popup's opener related bug
Update the firefox key event realted features
- Add disable and enable function
- Change alwaysOnTopCalcTarget default options value(Add "nav, article, section" tags)
- Add "touchstart" event for hide the data filter dialog element
Add CSS3 effects and remove jQuery effects
- N.button
- Remove disable and enable's fade effect
- Add a "visible__" style class instead
- Remove disable and enable's fade effect
- Effect option is deprecated.
- Add a "visible__" style class instead
- Effect option is deprecated.
- N.alert, N.popup, N.datepicker, N.grid
- Add a "visible__" style class when it is poped
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.2
Add the AOP feature to N.cont
- You can set the pointcut to all mothods of N.cont
- Created by minchan's father(lemonfish)
N.comm's transition effect is deprecated.
Change Controller's init & view processing logic
- It can be specified to Controller's view selected element that is not the top-level element in the loaded block page file
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.0.2
- Add CSS3 effects to N.notify
- Add [N.alert, N.popup, N.datepicker, N.grid, N.button,, N.notify] related CSS3 effects
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.0.0
This is the package that supports the development of shell area of the web application.
- The N.notify module that handles global notifications with the first component
- We will release API documentation and usage examples as soon as possible.
Natural-UI v0.8.14.1
- Added data filter feature for N.grid
- Add title attribute to N.alert's close button
- Fixed a bug where grid lines were drawn as grid body rendering continued when also without data
Natural-CORE v0.8.5.14
- N().tpBind changed to support method chaining.
- Appending N.grid's dataFilter related gc logic
- Add N.browser.contextPath method(Refer to API document)
- Cleaning variables that are not referenced
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.0.18
- Cleaning variables that are not referenced
- Add message text to N.context.attr("ui").grid.message
- Adding a data filter related style
Natural-UI v0.8.13.81
- Modified to always bind the parent Controller(N.cont) object to the opener property of the Popup's Controller(N.cont).
Edit warning messages
Natural-UI v0.8.13.79
- N.form
- Fixed a bug where dataSync did not update the value if the target element was an input element.
- Improved accuracy of N.form's update method.
- Improved accuracy of add class for "data_changed__" and "row_data_changed__".
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.11
- N.ds
- Remove logic that is cleanup the missing obserable
- If you did not specifies Natural-Js's context, occur the warning message
- N.tree
- Fixed a bug where N.tree's layout is crash