This project is an online training module created with Laravel. This application was specifically built for a part manufacturing company, called JE Bearings. The company had a complex, multi-step manufacturing workflow and needed a solution that would clarify the process into interactive and easily to follow steps.
Laravel 5.6
To clone this project to a local repository, it is required using Git. Follow instructions provided here to install and configure Git.
After project cloned and all prerequisites installed, it is necessary running the command below in the root directory to deploy properly all development dependencies of this project:
composer update
Furthermore, it is necessary to import the database content to local application. It is possible to import it using PHPMyAdmin interface or via command line:
mysql -h localhost -u <user> -p <password> <database name> < db_jebearings.sql
After importing database content to local database application, it is necessary to configure PHP credentials to connect to your database. Following the example of the .env-example
on root folder, update the file with the appropriate database info for your OS.
Navigate to Config > database.php
And uncomment line 49 on Windows/Linux
//'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''),
Or uncomment line 50 for Mac OS
//'unix_socket' => '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',
Start the artisan server in order to run the project. On terminal, from the root folder type:
php artisan serve
And navigate into http://localhost:8000/
Sass is being used in this project and built in Webpack is being used to bundle the assets. To compile SASS into CSS, run on terminal:
npm run dev
- Barbara Bombachini - Front End Dev -
- Mauricio Silveira - Back End Dev -
- Clara Marshall - Project Manager, Designer and Front End Dev -