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B.C. Community Information Hub

This repo contains the B.C. Community Investment Opportunity Tool and the Community Information Dashboard.

B.C. Community Investment Opportunity Tool

The Community Investment Opportunity Tool🔗 is a place where Economic Development Officers (EDO) can go to post possible investment opportunities for their respective communities. This tool includes a user authenticated portion where EDO's can go to see their currently posted investment opportunities as well as post new ones. It also includes a public facing view where possible investors can go to see all the currently available opportunities in the province or narrow down the opportunities on a set of filterable criteria.

B.C. Community Information Dashboard

The Community Information Dashboard🔗 is a dashboard for authenticated users and the public to get insight and statistics on communities around the province. The tool provides multiple ways for the information to be viewed including: Filtering by amenities and services, Regional district or municipality, and community type. The authenticated view allows Ministry employees greater access and control over the data for reports this includes restricted and sensitive data.


Clone the project.

git clone

Install Docker and Docker Compose.

Copy a local config template:

cp .env.template .env

To run the entire project in Docker use:

docker-compose up -d --build

If you wish to run the cit-web outside of docker for hot reloading you can run:

docker-compose up db -d --build
docker-compose up cit-api -d --build

To run the Community investment tool see README.

Once the app is running you can access the Community Investment Tool Front end at http://localhost:3000, the Django app api at http://localhost:8000/api and the swagger documentation at http://localhost:8000/swagger/. To access the database use the proper user and port 5432.

You can create a new terminal, and run commands to interact with the application. docker-compose ps to show services, and docker-compose exec cit-api bash to open a shell in inside the django service.

Docker containers

CIT consists of 5 main docker containers when running locally, these are defined in docker-compose.yml and respective Dockerfiles.

  • cit-web - Builds and hosts ./cit3.0-web on port 80, utilizing npm and nginx.
  • cit-api - Builds and hosts ./cit-api on port 8000, utilizing python 3.6, in addition to providing swagger on *:8000/swagger/
  • db - Stands up a Postgres database for cit-api to use on port 5432
  • kcpostgres - Stands up a Postgres database for keycloak to use
  • keycloak - Provides a local instance of keycloak on port 8080

Importing Data



VSCode (Front end Development)

If the editor of choice is Visual Studio Code during development, one can have automatic linting enabled

In Files -> Settings -> Workspace -> Open Settings access the settings.json and add:

  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
  "eslint.validate": ["javascript"]

To run the linting manually run the following commands from the cit-web folder.

To display linting errors.

yarn lint

To auto fix linting errors.

yarn lint:fix

Django Testing

To run the Django unit tests for the api use the following command from within the cit-api directory:


or to run them in the cit-api docker container:

docker exec -it cit_cit-api_1 bash

to target and run only specific tests you can use:

python test /path/to/your/test --settings=admin.test_settings

All tests are found under the tests directory in the cit-api and should be added to models views or serializers based on what they are testing.


Create a Pull request on, once its approved and merged by a repo admin, it will automatically be deployed to test.

A manual Github action will be triggered by a repo administrator to deploy to prod, after a request to deploy is made.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute please follow the contributing readme.


The infrastructure has evolved over time. Currently the infrastructure is hosted in three locations:

  • API and GUI are hosted on Openshift (OCP) run by the BC Gov't Platform Services team. This infrastructure is managed by the HELM charts found in the "Openshift" folder.
  • Database and PowerBI Embedded are hosted in a production Resource Group on Azure. This infrastructure is currently unmanned by code. There is a Terraform structure that used be used for the testing environment that never made it into managing production. However with the migration to OCP much of this has been obsoleted and there's a TODO to clean this up.
  • PowerBI Service is hosted on Azure by BG Gov't PowerBI Team.