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Digital Privacy Impact Assessment Modernization Application

Project Information

Lifecycle:Experimental img Maintainability Test Coverage

Project Structure

This structure diagram show all directories and specific files of interest. It does not capture ALL files present in the architecture of this project.

├── .github                                 # Contains GitHub Actions Related sources
|   ├── ISSUE_TEMPLATE                      # Github Templates for bug reports and feature requests
|   ├── helpers                             # Re-usable shell scripts used in deployment pipelines
|   ├── workflows                           # Contains Github Actions for CI/CD tasks
|   |   ├── build-deploy-api-v2.yaml        # Github Action run on merge to main that builds, tags, pushes and deploys the API image to the DEV openshift namespace
|   |   ├── build-deploy-app-v2.yaml        # Github Action run on merge to main that builds, tags, pushes and deploys the React App image to the DEV openshift namespace
|   |   ├── tag-deploy-*-test.yaml          # Github Action to tag and deploy the latest API/React App images to the TEST openshift namespace
|   |   ├── tag-deploy-*-prod.yaml          # Github Action to tag and deploy the latest API/React App images to the PROD openshift namespace
|   |   ├── pilot-build-tag-deploy-*.yaml   # Github Action to build, tag, push and deploy API/React App images to separate deployment configs in DEV (pipeline changes action)
|   |   ├── *-lint.yaml                     # Github Actions run on pull request open to run linting against either the API or React App source code
|   |   ├── code-climate.yaml               # Github Action that creates, formats and uploads API test coverage score to code climate for reporting
|   |   └── zap-*-scan.yaml                 # Github Actions for the API and React App to run zap scans against 
|   ├──            # Template to be filled out each time a branch is compared to main in a pull request
|   ├── auto-action-config.yaml             # yaml file that will tag reviewers and assignees of pull requests opened against main branch
|   ├── dependabot.yaml                     # file that controls dependabot coverage scans
|   ├── labeler.yaml                        # yaml file that controls tags applied to pull requests based on where code diff lives  
|   └──                           # Github Actions and Environments specific Documentation 
├── .husky                                  #
|    └── pre-commit                         # shell script run before a branch can be pushed up to remote repository for pre-linting  
├── docs                                    # Relevant Documentation incl. Architecture diagrams
├── openshift                               # Openshift Object Repository
|   ├── backup                              # Directory containing k8s artifacts and documentation related to deploying postgres backup containers to DEV/TEST/PROD
|   |   ├──                       #
|   |   ├── backup-build.yaml               #
|   |   ├── backup-deploy.yaml              #
|   |   └── backup.conf                     #
|   └── templates                           # Directory container k8s artifacts related to CD process into openshift namespaces
|       ├── api                             # 
|       ├── app                             # 
|       ├── network-policies                # 
|       └── rolebindings                    # 
├── src                                     # Project Source Code Components
│   ├── backend                             # All API related source code
|   |   ├── .config                         #
|   |   ├── .docker                         #
|   |   ├── src                             #
|   |   |   ├── assets                      #
|   |   |   ├── common                      #
|   |   |   ├── config                      #
|   |   |   ├── health                      #
|   |   |   ├── migrations                  #
|   |   |   └── modules                     #
│   └── frontend                            # All React App related source code
|       ├── .config                         #
|       ├── .docker                         #
|       ├── public                          #
|       └── src                             #
|           ├── assets                      #
|           ├── components                  #
|           ├── constant                    #
|           ├── hooks                       #
|           ├── pages                       #
|           ├── routes                      #
|           ├── sass                        #
|           ├── types                       #
|           └── utils                       #
├── .codeclimate.yaml                       # yaml file that controls thresholds for project specific reporting criteria
├── .gitattributes                          # file that controls attributes given to specific pathnames
├── .gitignore                              # list of files that are omitted from commits to this repository
├── MAKEFILE                                # Project specific tasks run to simplify running/accessing project resources
├──                               # You're reading me right now!
├── docker-compose.local.yaml               # docker-compose file used specifically for local workstation development
├── docker-compose.yaml                     # docker-compose file used specifically for CI/CD purposes
└──                    # shell script run to make changes to docker containers on startup

Locally running the development app

$ make api-setup-env
$ make app-run

Docker and Docker Compose

To setup project specific docker containers, first make sure you have Docker Desktop installed on your machine. Next, run the following command.


This command will build the project API and Web App containers in headless mode. If you need to only run one container remove "dpia-api dpia-webapp" and replace with the name of the container you'd like to build and run. The name of all containers used within the DPIA project can be found in the docker-compose file found at the root level of this repository.


Provisioning Requests

If you'd like to be provisioned access to one of the following resources:

  • DPIA Openshift Namespaces
  • Github Collaborators Write or Admin Groups
  • DPIA SSO Portal

Please email your request to