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Directory Structure

Brady Mitchell edited this page May 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Directory Structure


This is to help developers working on this package.
None of this information is needed if you are just using the package.

├── .github/
|   ├── config/
|   |   └── dep-report.json5                # Configure options for NPM Dep Report workflow.
|   ├── helpers/
|   |   ├── github-api/                     # Functions to access the GitHub API.
|   |   ├── package-release/                # Scripts to assist the "Create Release" workflow.
|   |   ├── create-npm-dep-report-issues.js # Creates GitHub Issues for Npm Dep Reports workflow.
|   |   ├── create-npm-dep-report.js        # Creates text bodies for Npm Dep Reports workflow.
|   |   ├── parse-json5-config.js           # Parses json5 files for GitHub workflows output.
|   |   └── parse-npm-deps.js               # Parses package.json files for changes to package versions.
|   ├── workflows/
|   |   ├── npm-dep-report.yaml             # Reports on new package versions.
|   |   ├── publish-techdocs.yaml           # Publishes techdocs to DevHub.
|   |   └── releases.yaml                   # Updates version, publishes to npm, and creates GitHub tags and releases.
├── scripts/
|   ├── bump-version.mjs                    # Bumps version in package.json file.
|   ├── run-coverage-and-open-report.mjs    # Runs test coverage and opens the report in your browser.
|   ├── remove-css-files.js                 # Removes css imports from TypeScript declaration files from the build.
|   ├── remove-dts-files.js                 # Removes TypeScript declaration files from the build.
|   └── remove-empty-dirs.js                # Removes empty directories from the build.
├── src/                                    # Source code for package.
|   ├── components/
|   |   ├── Provider.tsx                    # Provides auth state to an application.
|   |   ├── RefreshExpiryDialog             # Default dialog to come up when token expires.
|   |   └── Wrapper.tsx                     # Provides auth services such as refresh token tracking.
|   ├── state/
|   |   ├── reducer.ts                      # Manages auth state from context.
|   |   └── useSSO.ts                       # Functions using auth state.
|   ├── utils/                              # Utility functions.
|   |   └── checkForUpdates.ts              # Checks for updates to the package in npm and logs to console if an update is available.
|   ├── context.ts                          # React Context for storing auth data.
|   ├── index.ts                            # Export functions for the package.
|   └── types.ts                            # TypeScript types.
├── techdocs/                               # TechDocs hosted on DevHub.
|   ├── docs/                               # Markdown files for the end-user documentation.
|   └── pubcode.yaml                        # Metadata for DevHub.
├── catalog-info.yaml                       # Metadata for DevHub's documentation catalog.
├── mkdocs.yml                              # Metadata for DevHub's component documentation page.
├── jest.config.ts                          # Jest test framework config.
├── package.json                            # Package config and dependencies.
├── .npmrc                                  # NPM config.
├── rollup.config.js                       # Builds and compiles TypeScript files into JavaScript.
├── rollupdts.config.js                    # Builds and compiles TypeScript declaration files.
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