Family Law Act Form
Currently it requires: Npm 6.14.14, Node 12, Python 3.8/3.9/3.10. Running on Docker is recommended.
A Vue client application which serves out the SurveyJS based questionnaire.
npm run-script serve
# Serve web under hot reloading
npm run-script build
# Build production web package
A Django based REST API which provides the heavy lifting. The API includes a Swagger interface containing API documentation and UI that allows you to interact with the various APIs manually.
python migrate
python makemigrations
python runserver 8081
An html to PDF microservice used to generate reports.
This can be started up by ./manage start pdf
under the docker folder (refer to Running on Docker).
A PostgreSQL database for storage.
This can be started up by ./manage start db
under the docker folder (refer to Running on Docker). Alternatively a local version could be installed on a different port than the docker container.
The project can also be run locally using Docker and Docker Compose. Refer to Running with Docker Compose for instructions.
To deploy using a local instance of OpenShift, refer to Running on OpenShift. These instructions, apart from the steps that are specific to setting up your local environment, can be used to get the project deployed to a production OpenShift environment.
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Code released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.