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Exported the sql statement for views #841

Exported the sql statement for views

Exported the sql statement for views #841

Workflow file for this run

# Static Deploy On OpensShift
# Builds and Deploys merged PR's to persistent pods/services/routes/etc in the OpenShift Dev environment.
name: Static Deploy on OpensShift
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, closed]
- dev
- prod
# Print variables for logging and debugging purposes
name: Check Env variables
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Print Env Vars
run: |
echo Git Base Ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}
echo Git Build ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
echo Git Pull Request Ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
echo OC CLI Version: $(oc version)
# Build the API
name: Build API Static
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true}}
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN}} --server=
# Build the api images
- name: Build API Images
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run build -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --branch=${{ github.base_ref }} --type=static
# Build the web frontend app
name: Build App Static
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true}}
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Build the app images
- name: Build APP Images
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run build -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --branch=${{ github.base_ref }} --type=static
# End buildAPP
# Deploy App, API images in Dev
name: Deploy App, API to DEV environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true && github.base_ref != 'prod'}}
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
- buildAPI
- buildAPP
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Deploy the api
- name: Deploy API
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run pre-deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run setup -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run seed -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy-tools -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy the app
- name: Deploy App
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy App, API images in Test
name: Deploy App, API to TEST environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true && github.base_ref != 'prod'}}
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
- buildAPI
- buildAPP
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Deploy the api
- name: Deploy API
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run pre-deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run setup -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run seed -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy-tools -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy the app
- name: Deploy App
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=test --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy App, API images in Prod
name: Deploy App, API to PROD environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true && github.base_ref == 'prod'}}
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
- buildAPI
- buildAPP
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Deploy the api
- name: Deploy API
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run pre-deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=prod --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run setup -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=prod --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=prod --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
DEBUG=* npm run deploy-tools -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=prod --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy the app
- name: Deploy App
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run deploy -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=prod --type=static --branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
# Deploy App, API images and related build/deployment artifacts
name: Clean Deployment Artifacts for App, API in DEV and Test environments
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true && github.base_ref == 'dev' }}
- buildAPI
- buildAPP
- deployDev
- deployTest
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Clean the api deployment artifacts
- name: Clean API Deployment
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=build
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev
# Clean the app deployment artifacts
- name: Clean APP Deployment
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=build
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev
# Clean App, API images and related build/deployment artifacts
name: Clean Deployment Artifacts for App, API in PROD environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged == true && github.base_ref == 'prod' }}
- buildAPI
- buildAPP
- deployProd
BUILD_ID: ${{ github.event.number }}
# Checkout the PR branch
- name: Checkout Target Branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Install Node - for `node` and `npm` commands
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 10.16
# Log in to OpenShift.
# Note: The secrets needed to log in are NOT available if the PR comes from a FORK.
# PR's must originate from a branch off the original repo or else all openshift `oc` commands will fail.
- name: Log in to OpenShift
run: oc login --token=${{ secrets.TOOLS_SA_TOKEN }} --server=
# Clean the api deployment artifacts
- name: Clean API Deployment
working-directory: "./api/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=build
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev
# Clean the app deployment artifacts
- name: Clean APP Deployment
working-directory: "./app/.pipeline/"
run: |
npm ci
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=build
DEBUG=* npm run clean -- --pr=$BUILD_ID --env=dev