Releases: bcgsc/ntEdit
ntEdit v2.1.0
ntEdit v2.0.3
Refactoring to ntedit_run_pipeline.smk
to ensure compatability with snakemake versions 8.17.0+ (#66)
ntEdit v2.0.2
Add support for cross-referencing indels with -l
Fixes to reporting indels in the VCF and changes.tsv
Fixes to cross-referencing variants when -l
Add support for using fasta files with --reads
Add -l
option to run-ntedit polish
Bugfixes to run-ntedit
ntEdit v2.0.1
Changed --draft
argument for run-ntedit snv
to --reference
ntEdit v2.0.0
New driver script run-ntedit
to simplify running ntEdit
Add option to use genomes (--genome
) in SNV mode instead of read sets
Support btllib
Bloom and counting Bloom filters
Support zipped vcf
Fixed a bug that only reported variants with equal or greater k-mer support than reference base
Fixed a bug that could cause a segmentation fault when checking for deletions
ntEdit v1.4.3
Add missing include statement for mac
Versions 1.4+ add support for input VCF to cross-reference variants
ntEdit v1.4.2
VCF input to help identify variants of clinical significance
Includes option to supply a VCF input file to ntEdit, for cross-referencing base variants
For instance, users may wish to identify annotated clinical variants (e.g., ClinVar) in their genomics datasets, together with the -s 1 option
*To make the ntEdit output VCF easier to parse, v1.4.2 replaced the delimiter from pipe | to caret ^ since clinvar records have both pipes | and semicolons ; in their VCF INFO descriptions
ntEdit v1.4.1
VCF input to help identify variants of clinical significance
Includes option to supply a VCF input file to ntEdit, for cross-referencing base variants
For instance, users may wish to identify annotated clinical variants (e.g., ClinVar) in their genomics datasets, together with the -s 1 option
ntEdit v1.3.5
This release implements a new option (-a), which controls soft-masking (lower case) nucleotides in the supplied input [draft genome] sequence when its kmers are not found in the primary Bloom filter, and with no possible fix found in that filter (and optionally within a coverage slice provided by the secondary Bloom filter).
This option can be useful for identifying unresolved genomic regions, those with no equivalent in the supplied Bloom filter(s).
ntEdit v1.3.4
support for IUPAC characters in snv (-s 1) mode
Better handling of IUPAC nucleotide codes in SNV mode; In that mode, IUPAC positions will be inspected for A,C,G & T (no just the base(s) not captured already by the IUPAC code as it is the case in polishing mode.
no degradation of performance, except for additional computing needed to inspect possible alternate base substitutions to IUPAC codes in SNV -s 1 mode