Simple and fast PHP translator
The best way to install bckp/translator-nette is using Composer:
$ composer require bckp/translator-nette
In you nette config, add extension with temporary dir
translator: Bckp\Translator\Nette\Bridges\TranslatorExtension(%tempDir%/translator)
and set translator itself
- cs #Language codes
- %appDir%/Locale # Where to search for language file
resolver: true # Use resolver to get proper language?
debugger: %debugMode%
Translator will find all files in path and make map to the DI. If debugger is on, it will on each request check, if any file is modified and rebuild all language file (only needed ones).
All language files should be in Neon format, and proper naming is: {module}.{langCode}.neon
Translation files are written in NEON format. Plural strings are in ARRAY, otherwise STRING.
welcome: 'Vítejte'
withArgs: 'Ahoj, já jsem %s, přeji krásné %s'
withArgsRev: 'Krásné %2$s, já jsem %1$s'
zero: 'žádný člověk'
one: 'jeden člověk'
few: '%d lidé'
other: '%d lidí'
next: 'This is next translation'
Translator will auto-register into all presenters, that uses TranslatorAwareTrait, during onStartup part, and even auto-register into templates during onRender part.
class Presenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter {
use TranslatorAwarePresenter; // this comes with translator extension
$changes = $this->model->doSomeChanges();
$this->flashMessage($this->translator->translate(['messages.flash.success', $changes], $changes));
If you want do shortcut, you can define own translate method, like this
class Presenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter {
use TranslatorAwarePresenter; // this comes with translator extension
public function translate($message, ...$params){
$this->translator->translate($message, ...$params);
public function renderTest(){
$message = $this->translate('messages.test');
In template, you can use normal Latte way, so translating is super easy
Every parameter you pass to the translate will be passed into sprintf in Bckp\Translator internally, so you can add order in neon translation format.
See ( for more informations about how to translate
See ( for more informations about Bckp\Translate-core