The spread of COVID-19 has been a concern since March 2020. In this project, you will explore COVID-19 in the Metropolitan Nashville area.
hubNashville 311 Service Requests: Violations of Covid related rules and regulations are contained in this dataset where
Request Type
is COVID-19 andSubrequest Type
is COVID-19 Violations -
was scraped from the wsmv website and geocoded using the Google API. The dataset provides detail for COVID-19 clusters (groupings of 10 or more cases identified by the Metro Public Health Department through its case investigation process).
Cluster Name - the name of the place where a cluster of cases has been traced to
Facility Type - the type of place the cluster location is
Cluster Start Date - date of the first known case traced to the cluster
# Cases - the count of cases traced to the cluster
Latitude - latitude of the cluster
Longitude - longitude off the cluster -
data from the nytimes/covid-19-data repository is loaded weekly to a PostgreSQL database on AWS. Credentials to connect to this database will be provided separately. Tables in this database include:
counties - the running total of cases and deaths for US counties reported daily since 3/8/2020
mask use - results from online interviews conducted by Dynata for the NYT between July 2 and July 14, 2020. Participants were asked How often do you wear a mask in public when you expect to be within six feet of another person? -
is another geocoded dataset created for this project using the Google API. This dataset includes:
address - the address from hubNashville of a reported violation
vicinity - the address for a business found near the address (the closest five businesses are included)
name - the name of the business located at thevicinity
type - Google’s classification of that business
Explore the COVID-19 violations reported through hubNashville to see how these have changed over time. Do violations get reported more in certain areas?
Use sqlalchemy to load data for Nashville from the counties
table in the covid_data
database on AWS. Explore this data. Is there a relationship between the number of cases over time and the number of violations reported over time?
Use sqlalchemy to load data from the mask_use
table in the covid_data
database on AWS. How does Davidson County Tennessee compare to other counties in TN? How does it compare to other counties in the US?
Explore whether there is a discernible relationship between reported COVID-19 violations and reported COVID-19 clusters. Use the businesses
dataset to find possible business locations for the reported violations.
If time permits, choose another aspect of COVID-19 in Nashville to explore.