Calls remote services and benchmarks the response. Uses prometheus to graph response times.
Once the project is done building, make
some api calls http://localhost:82/api/v1/names/random
To see a graph of response times:
- Nav to http://localhost
- Classic UI
- Click Graph tab
- Search: 'scrape_series_added' or 'scrape_duration_second' or 'http_request_duration_ms_bucket'
- Duration 1m
- Click Graph tab
For health check:
- Nav to http://localhost
- Targetes
To see a coverage of response times:
- Nav to http://localhost:81
- Look on left-hand side find services.
Compiled and ran from build server bloop
Dependencies must be compatable with jdk8 or less.
- bloop
- java
- bloop-sbt
- opentracing
- openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
- jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.17
- prom/prometheus
sudo ./ -u
- PROMETHEUS DASHBOARD http://localhost
- JAEGER DASHBOARD http://localhost:81
- API http://localhost:82/api/v1/names/random
sudo ./ -d
sudo ./ -h