BEAST v1.8.4
Version 1.8.4 released 17th June 2016
New Features:
New structured list of citations printed to screen before running.
Option ('-citation_file') to write citation list to file.
Option in BEAUti Priors panel to set parameters to 'Fixed Value'
Bug Fixes:
Issue 808: Set autoOptimize to false in the randomWalkOperator on
Pagel's lambda
Issue 806: SRD06 in BEAUTi selecting incorrect options.
Issue 799: Relative rate parameters for partitions were not being
created. All partitions within a clock model have a
relative rate if their substitution models are unlinked.
Issue 798: Calculating pairwise distances was slow for big data sets -
removed this (but initial values no longer suggested based
on data).
Issue 797: Removed 'meanRate' from Priors tab in BEAUti.
Issue 794: Running with empty command line causes error.
Issue 792: Check to see that the same likelihood isn't included multiple
times into the density.