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#Purpose The scripts within this repo were created to run the GATK germline variant calling best pratices pipeline. The pipeline takes unprocessed bam file(s) as input and outputs the biological genomic variance of the input to a given reference.

I've create a helper document ("Understanding the GATK Pipeline") that explains the logic behind each of the processes in the pipeline.


###Setup & Pipeline There are currently 4 scripts:

  1. Setup installs all of the necessary tools and all of the references.
  2. processingGATK runs the steps necessary to transforms reads into being ready for variant calling. Flagstat,Sort, Mark Duplicates, Indel Realignment, BQSR
  3. Unified Genotyper variant calling plus VQSR
  4. Haplotyper variant calling plus VQSR

There is no clear answer about which genotyper to use, you need to pick what you depending on your goals. The HC is more accurate for both SNPs and INDELs but is horribly slow and doesn't scale well to multiple samples.

##Reference Files All reference files have come from the GATK Resource bundle which can be found at B37 Resource Bundle

  • Reference Genome (GRCh37):
  • human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta
  • **VCF files for RealignerTargetCreator knowns and dbsnp **for BaseRecalibrator.
  • known_indel: /data/GATK_Bundle/*Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf *known_indel: /data/GATK_Bundle/*1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf *known_dbsnp: /data/GATK_Bundle/dbsnp_137.b37.vcf
  • 1000Genomes Background BAMS ran concurrently with UnifiedGenotyper CEU GBR
  • Resource files for VariantRecalibrator_SNP *hapmap_3.3.b37.vcf *1000G_omni2.5.b37.vcf *1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.b37.vcf
  • Resource files for VariantRecalibrator_INDEL *Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf *1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf

###Workflow The pre-processing stages of Flagstat,Sort,MarkD,Indel,BQSR are to be run on 1 genome at a time with the output from one stage being piped in as input for the next (w/the exception of Flagstat) -Variant calling stages, including VQSR, are to be run (normally) on multiple genomes at once The input for variant calling stages is the final BQSR output. Calling indel and snp variants are independent processes that do not depend on eachother in any way. They take the same input. This is also true of VQSR


  1. Launch a trusty-ubuntu image

  2. Install setup script and make it executable

     chmod u+x <scriptHere>
  3. If downloading any documents from s3, Create environment variables for your s3 credentials

     export SECRET_KEY=yourSecretKey
     export ACCESS_KEY=yourAccessKey
  4. Run

  5. At top of the processing, UGcaller/HCcaller scripts, use your favorite text editor to set the RAM, THREADS, dir, ref, & INPUT variables to reflect your run. The RAM variable should be set to reflect 90% of your machine's RAM. The THREADS variable should reflect the number of cores

  6. Install processingGATK,UGvariantingCalling &/OR HAPvariantCalling scripts and make them executable

     chmod u+x <each script Here>
  7. Run

  8. Run either the OR scripts


  • Process:
  • Flagstat -get simple metrics on the reads
  • Sort -sort reads by reference position. Input is bag of reads that have been mapped
  • MarkDuplicates -label/remove reads that map to the same reference position, keeping the read w/the highest raw score
  • IndelRealignment -locally realign the reads to minimize the number of mismatches to the reference
  • BQSR -rescore the bases based on statistical adherence to known snps and indels
  • VariantCalling -Search for (ideally) biological differences differences between input genome and reference genome
  • Variant Quality Score Recalibration (VQSR) - The GATK callers are designed to be very lenient in calling variants. VQSR is a two step process that uses machine-learning methods to assign a well calibrated probability to each variant call in a raw call set.


  • java processes:
  • Xmx==max memory to assign for task
  • Indel/BQSR:
  • -T task/process
  • -R Reference file
  • -I Input
  • -o Output
  • -nt Number of Threads (IndelRealigner)
  • -nct Number of CPU threads to allocate per data thread. (BQSR)
  • -known Locations in the genome known to contain indels
  • -knownSites Locations in the genome known to contain snps
  • UnifiedGenotyper:
  • -L intervals to operate over. Allows you to call variants on only a subset of the genome. Requires a .bed file to point to the desired regions
  • -glm Genotype Liklhoods Model. Genotype likelihoods calculation model to employ -- SNP is the default option, while INDEL is also available for calling indels and BOTH is available for calling both together
  • -dcov Target coverage threshold for downsampling to coverage. downsample_to_coverage controls the maximum depth of coverage at each locus. [50 for 4x, 200 for >30x WGS or Whole exome]
  • -stand_emit_conf & stand_call_conf stand_emit_conf 10.0 means that it won’t report any potential SNPs with a quality below 10.0; but unless they meet the quality threshold set by -stand_call_conf (30.0, in this case), they will be listed as failing the quality filter. My choices are 'generic'. For variant optimization see:
  • Haplotype Caller
  • --genotyping mode:This specifies how we want the program to determine the alternate alleles to use for genotyping. In the default DISCOVERY mode, the program will choose the mostlikely alleles out of those it sees in the data
  • --stand emit conf: Emission confidence threshold. Sets the lower limit for the score (Phred-based) of any that should even be considered for the possibility of being a variant.
  • -stand call conf: Call confidence threshold. Sets the lower limit for any base that will actuall be called a variant.
  • VQSR
  • All 'an' flags specify which annotations the program should use to evaluate the likelihood of SNPs/INDELs being real. These annotations are included in the information generated foreach variant call by the caller.
  • -an DP : Total Depth of coverage
  • -an QD : Variant confidence (from the QUAL field)/unfiltered depth of non-reference samples
  • -an FS : FisherStrand. value using Fisher’s Exact Test (Fisher, 1922) to detect strand bias(the variation being seen on only the forward or only the reverse strand) in thereads. More bias is indicative of false positive calls
  • -an MQRankSum : approximation from the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test (Mann andWhitney, 1947) for mapping qualities (reads with ref bases versus those with thealternate allele)
  • -an ReadPosRankSum : -approximation from the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test (Mann andWhitney,1947)for the distance from the end of the read for reads with the alternate allele. If the alternate allele is only seen near the ends of reads, this is indicative of error.
  • -minNumBad : Minimum number of bad variants. This is the minimum number of worst-scoring variants to use when building the model of bad variants.


End to end pipeline for calling variants against an entire genome






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