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✨ Your new, shiny Nx workspace is ready ✨.

Learn more about this workspace setup and its capabilities or run npx nx graph to visually explore what was created. Now, let's get you up to speed!

Generate a library

npx nx g @nx/js:lib packages/pkg1 --publishable --importPath=@my-org/pkg1

Run tasks

To build the library use:

npx nx build pkg1

To run any task with Nx use:

npx nx <target> <project-name>

These targets are either inferred automatically or defined in the project.json or package.json files.

More about running tasks in the docs »

Versioning and releasing

To version and release the library use

npx nx release

Pass --dry-run to see what would happen without actually releasing the library.

Learn more about Nx release »

Keep TypeScript project references up to date

Nx automatically updates TypeScript project references in tsconfig.json files to ensure they remain accurate based on your project dependencies (import or require statements). This sync is automatically done when running tasks such as build or typecheck, which require updated references to function correctly.

To manually trigger the process to sync the project graph dependencies information to the TypeScript project references, run the following command:

npx nx sync

You can enforce that the TypeScript project references are always in the correct state when running in CI by adding a step to your CI job configuration that runs the following command:

npx nx sync:check

Learn more about nx sync

Set up CI!

Step 1

To connect to Nx Cloud, run the following command:

npx nx connect

Connecting to Nx Cloud ensures a fast and scalable CI pipeline. It includes features such as:

Step 2

Use the following command to configure a CI workflow for your workspace:

npx nx g ci-workflow

Learn more about Nx on CI

Install Nx Console

Nx Console is an editor extension that enriches your developer experience. It lets you run tasks, generate code, and improves code autocompletion in your IDE. It is available for VSCode and IntelliJ.

Install Nx Console »

Useful links

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