Ithaka Treemap provides a framework for tree maps.
- API separating layout and rendering
- Squarified treemap layout builder
- Rendering support for AWT and SWT
Here's a brief introduction the core interfaces and classes.
As a side note, the above image has been rendered from a layout computed by Ithaka Treemap.
The TreemapContentProvider
interface is used to describe the tree structure and layout properties.
Object[] getElements(Object input); // get root elements
Object[] getChildren(Object element); // get element children
boolean hasChildren(Object element); // leaf test
Object getParent(Object element); // get parent element
Object getValue(Object element); // get an elements's value
int getSize(Object element); // get size for element (cell size)
boolean hasFrame(Object element); // layout children with frame
int getChildrenBorder(Object element, int border); // border around children
An element is visible in the layout if it is a leaf (hasChildren(element) == false
) or it has a
frame (hasFrame(element) == true
). Otherwise the element's cell in the layout will be totally
covered by its children.
The values associated with elements (getValue(element)
) will be stored in the layout so they're
available when rendering the layout to determine labels and colors.
The content provider is all needed to perform a layout.
A TreemapBuilder
is used to create a treemap (i.e. the layout).
Treemap build(TreemapContentProvider content, Object input, int width, int height);
The SquarifiedTreemapBuilder
class implements TreemapBuilder
, taking care about keeping the
aspect ratio of cells in the layout close to one.
When rendering a treemap, labels can be placed into cells. The TreemapLabelProvider
the API to specify those:
String getText(Object element, Object value); // label to place inside a cell
String getTooltipText(Object element, Object value); // optional tooltip label
Color getForegroundColor(Object element, Object value); // label color
Color getForegroundShadowColor(Object element, Object value); // optional label shadow color
Color getBackgroundColor(Object element, Object value); // primary cell color
Color getBackgroundGradientColor(Object element, Object value); // optional cell gradient color
Color getHighlightColor(Object element, Object value); // cell selection color
Color getBorderColor(Object element, Object value); // border color
The TreemapGraphics
interface provides all the methods required to actually draw a treemap.
It is implemented by classes AWTTreemapGraphics
and SWTTreemapGraphics
. There's usually
no need to implement your own.
Having a TreemapLabelProvider
and TreemapColorProvider
, a treemap can be rendered.
TreemapRenderer(TreemapLabelProvider labelProvider, TreemapColorProvider colorProvider);
void render(TreemapGraphics graphics, Treemap layout);
The TreemapWriter
interface is a convenient image creation.
void write(Treemap layout, OutputStream output) throws IOException;
Again, there are implementations for AWT and SWT, taking a TreemapRenderer
, image type and label
font at construction time.
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or manually grab latest JARs here.
Ithaka Treemap is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
(c) 2012 Odysseus Software