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add some examples to complement documentation
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owaddell-beckman committed May 9, 2024
1 parent b288ea1 commit ab5f6ba
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Showing 57 changed files with 2,728 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions examples/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.PHONY: clean test

define walk
for d in $$(git ls-files '*/Makefile'); do make -sC "$$(dirname "$$d")" $(1); done

@$(call walk, $@) 2>&1 | tee .post
@grep "Please.*manually" .post
@echo "Please test the 'echo-server' example manually."

$(call walk, $@)
rm -f .post
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Setup

To try the examples, we need a compatible Swish binary in our PATH.
Here we use the same binary used when running the automated tests.

1. Install Swish in a the location used by automated tests:
$ cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
$ ./configure
$ make -C src/swish mat-prereq
1. Set your PATH to include the resulting Swish binary:
$ PATH=${PWD}/build/mat-prereq/lib/swish.x.y.z/arch/:${PATH}

Refer to the Swish [documentation]( for
more information about the constructs used in these examples.

# Examples

| Example | Shows how to |
| [hello](hello/) | compile a simple "Hello, World!" program |
| [echo](echo/) | process command-line arguments by hand |
| [echo-server](echo-server/ | build a simple TCP server |
| [apt-archive](apt-archive/) | build a simple APT proxy |
| [shlib](shlib/) | dynamically link foreign code |
| [dme](dme/ | extend pattern matching |
| [libs-visible](libs-visible/) | demonstrate `swish-build` `--libs-visible` |
| [mbedtls](mbedtls/) | compute message digests with Mbed TLS |
| [service](service/) | run as a service (Windows and Linux) |
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions examples/apt-archive/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions examples/apt-archive/Makefile
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ifeq (Windows_NT,${OS})

apt-archive${EXESUFFIX}:: | prepare-source
apt-archive${EXESUFFIX}:: git.revision
swish-build -o $@ -b petite --rtlib swish --libs-visible

# force evaluation, but use a different target from the output that
# depends on so we don't rebuild needlessly
.PHONY: prepare-source
@git describe --always --exclude='*' --abbrev=40 --dirty > git.revision.tmp
@if cmp --quiet git.revision git.revision.tmp; then \
rm git.revision.tmp; \
else \
mv git.revision.tmp git.revision; echo "git.revision changed"; \

@echo "Please test the 'apt-archive' example manually."

rm -f git.revision
rm -f apt-archive${EXESUFFIX} apt-archive.boot
rm -f *.{so,wpo}
rm -rf data
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions examples/apt-archive/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Apt Archive

## Overview and Caveats

This example is a trivial HTTP proxy for use with APT's `HTTP::proxy` configuration.
The intent is to cache the requested data for later use offline. Therefore, the proxy:

1. *ignores cache expiration*,
2. ignores the client's `If-Modified-Since` header, and
3. accumulates a growing archive of requested files.

The proxy does not evict files from the cache, and it assumes that a file present in the cache satisfies the request as long as the path matches.

**Note** this means that `apt update` will continue to return the original
package lists. It will not show package updates unless one explicitly clears
that part of the cache. In theory one might delete the dist directories
identified by `find <archive> -type d -name dists` so that `apt update`
might fetch fresh package lists when run against the proxy.

In theory one might use the `timestamp` and `path` from the `http_request` table
in data/Log.db3 to determine how recently a client has requested a particular
path and use that in some way to prune stale entries from the cache. For now,
this remains out of scope.

## Building

1. install [Swish](
2. `make`

For help using the proxy, see the output of `./apt-archive --help`.

156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions examples/apt-archive/
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
;; Copyright 2024 Beckman Coulter, Inc.

(define cli
[offline --offline bool "force offline mode; do not fetch from the network"]
[archive --archive (string "<dir>")
"the directory under which to download files for the archive and cache"]
[port -p --port (string "<port>")
'("the port to listen on for proxy connections;"
"zero to let the OS choose an available port")]
[verbose -v bool "enable verbose output"]
[version --version bool "show version information"]))

(define opt (parse-command-line-arguments cli))
(define offline? (opt 'offline))
(define archive (or (opt 'archive) (path-combine (base-dir) "archive")))
(define verbose? (and (opt 'verbose)))
(define port (cond [(opt 'port) => string->number] [else 9001]))
(unless (and (fixnum? port) (fx>= port 0))
(errorf #f "invalid port ~a" (opt 'port)))
(define max-redirects 20)

(software-product-name 'apt-archive "Apt Archive")
(software-version 'apt-archive "1.0.0")
(software-revision 'apt-archive (include-line "git.revision"))

(define (show-version key)
(printf "~11@a ~a (~a)\n"
(software-product-name key)
(software-version key)
(software-revision key)))

(when (opt 'version)
(show-version 'apt-archive)
(when verbose?
(show-version 'swish)
(show-version 'chezscheme))
(exit 0))

(when (opt 'help)
(display-help (app:name) cli)
(wrap-text (console-output-port) (- (help-wrap-width) 2) 2 2
`("\n" ,(app:name)
"is a mininal APT proxy for use in building containers and accumulating a"
"set of installed package files that may later be used in offline mode.\n\n"
"For example, we can start the proxy on the host as follows:\n"))
(printf " $ mkdir /tmp/archive\n")
(printf " $ ./~a -v -p 9000 --archive /tmp/archive\n\n" (app:name))
(printf " Then, in a Debian-based container, we configure APT to use the proxy:\n")
(printf " $ echo 'Acquire { HTTP::proxy \"http://host.containers.internal:9000\"; }' \\\n")
(printf " > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99HttpProxy\n")
(printf " $ apt update # etc.\n")
(exit 0))

(define (copy-header header keys)
(let ([obj (json:make-object)])
(lambda (key)
(match (json:ref header key 'nope)
[nope (void)]
[,val (json:set! obj key val)]))

(define (revise-header client-header)
;; Adapt the header that the client sent us, but filter out If-Modified-Since
;; to prevent an HTTP 304 response since we don't have the original file to
;; fall back on. Fortunately, APT doesn't seem to give us Range requests that
;; would require handling HTTP 206.
;; Preserve original host in case that matters for virtual host.
(remq #f
(lambda (cell)
(match-define (,key . ,val) cell)
;; http:read-header converts keys to lower-case symbols
(and (not (eq? key 'if-modified-since))
(cons (symbol->string key) val)))
(json:cells client-header)))))

(define (choose-port scheme port)
[(string? port) (string->number port)]
[(string-ci=? scheme "http") 80]
[else (errorf #f "cannot determine destination port for ~a://" scheme)]))

(define (report fmt . args)
(with-interrupts-disabled ;; guard against concurrent writes to console port
(apply printf fmt args)))

(define (get-cached! target-file method scheme host port path header)
(define (show-progress msg)
(when verbose?
(report "~:@(~a~) ~a://~a ~a [~a]\n" method scheme host path msg)))
[(file-exists? target-file)
(show-progress 'cached)
(show-progress 'missing)
(let-values ([(ip op) (connect-tcp host (choose-port scheme port))])
(on-exit (begin (close-port ip) (close-port op))
(put-bytevector op (string->utf8 (format "~a ~a HTTP/1.1\r\n" method path)))
(http:write-header op (revise-header header))
(flush-output-port op)
(let* ([status (http:read-status ip 1024)]
[header (http:read-header ip 8192)]
[len (http:get-content-length header)])
(show-progress status)
(match status
(let ([data (get-bytevector-exactly-n ip len)])
(let ([fop (open-binary-file-to-replace (make-directory-path target-file))])
(on-exit (close-port fop)
(put-bytevector fop data))))
(file-exists? target-file)]
[,_ (guard (memv status '(301 302 307 308))) (json:ref header 'location #f)]))))]))

(unless (directory? archive)
(errorf #f "archive directory ~a does not exist" archive))

(append (app-sup-spec)
(http:configure-server 'http port
(match-define `(<request> ,method ,original-path ,path) request)
(let retry ([path path] [n 0] [header header])
(if (= n max-redirects)
(report "exceeded ~a redirects for ~a\n" max-redirects original-path)
(http:respond conn 500 '() #vu8()))
(match-let* ([(,_ ,scheme ,host ,port ,path)
(pregexp-match (re "(http)://([^/:]+)(?:[:]([0-9]+))?(.*)") path)]
[,target-file (path-combine archive path)])
(if (not (and (http:valid-path? path)
(string-ci=? "GET" (symbol->string method))))
(http:respond conn 400 '() #vu8())
(match (get-cached! target-file method scheme host port path header)
[#t (http:respond-file conn 200 '() target-file)]
[#f (http:respond conn 404 '() #vu8())]
[,redirect ;; untested
(guard (string? redirect))
(retry redirect (+ n 1) (copy-header header '(host accept user-agent)))])))))
[media-type-handler (lambda (fn) 'application/octet-stream)]
[validate-path string?]))))

(report "~a listening on port: ~a\n" (app:name) (http:get-port-number (whereis 'http)))
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions examples/dme/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.PHONY: test clean

swish-test .

rm -f * *.sop
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions examples/dme/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## Extending Pattern Matching

The examples in this directory show how to extend the match pattern language
using `define-match-extension`.

| Example | Shows how to |
| [condition]( | match conditions, e.g., native exceptions |
| [condition tests]( | use condition patterns to match native exceptions |
| [ht]( | match functional hash tables |
| [ht tests]( | use functional hash table patterns |
| [json]( | match JSON objects |
| [json tests]( | use JSON patterns |
| [re]( | match regular expressions |
| [re tests]( | use regular expression patterns |

### Limitations

There is presently no way for transformers to examine the patterns of multiple match clauses simultaneously.

The `handle-object` and `handle-field` procedures provided to `define-match-extension` cannot access the compile-time environment directly. They may be able to generate output containing macros that do that sort of lookup, but this may not be adequate for some kinds of transformations.

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