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User Stories

Aleksandr Pavlushkin edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 1 revision

FHIR EMR User Stories

As an administrator I want to

manage practitioners

  • register a practitioner
    • so after that I can create a schedule for this practitioner and plan visits
  • generate a user for a practitioner
    • so the practitioner will be able to login and interact with the app as a practitioner
  • change practitioner details and inactivate practitioner
    • so I will be able to keep information actual if something is changed

manage clinic services

  • create a new service like "Cardiology visit" or "Cardiology follow up"
    • so I can use it to schedule visits (encounters)
  • assign a default duration for a service
    • so while planning a visit a slot with the same duration will be reserved
  • assign services to specific doctors or specialities
    • so while scheduling a visit only relevant services will be shown for a chosen practitioner
    • or only relevant practitioners will be shown for a chosen service

manage practitioner schedules

  • create and modify a schedule for a practitioner
    • so users will be able to plan a visit based on this schedule

manage medical document templates

  • create a template (Questionnaire) using UI builder
    • so practitioners will be able to fill out this form during a visit
  • assign templates to specialities or specific services
    • so practitioners will see only relevant list of possible forms (questionnaires)
  • use different widgets for templates like:
    • text and text area
    • choice (radio buttons, selects), including select from value set (whole or filtered by some criteria)
    • image attachment
    • file attachment
    • so practitioners will be able to capture different kind of data
  • see available list of value sets and browse its members
    • so I will be able to see which value sets I can use in templates
  • create a new value set using UI
    • so I will be able to create a custom and reusable list of items for choice elements

visits (appointments)

  • plan a visit for a specific patient, practitioner, service, time, and duration
    • so all involved persons will be able to see the visit details, and it will be shown in a schedule
  • register a patient if it is a new one
    • so I don't need to register patient in advance, it saves time
  • modify information about a visit
    • so it will be possible to cancel visit or change it in some other way
  • see a list of current, coming, and past visits for
    • a chosen patient
    • a chosen date
    • a chosen practitioner
    • so I can choose any visit and click to see visit details and do some actions with it


  • see a list of patients with filters
    • so I can quickly find a patient and see its details
  • see patient details including list of visits
  • register a new patient
  • modify a patient


  • see a list of practitioners
  • see practitioner details including speciality, attached services, and visits

As a practitioner I want to

  • see a list of my visits (past, current, and coming)
  • see visit details
  • see patient details page
  • see a list of all patient visits
  • see a list of all patient medical documents (questionnaire responses)
  • see a specific medical document
  • fill out any allowed medical document for a visit, edit it

As a patient I want to

  • see a list of services
  • see a service detail page with the list of related doctors
  • see a list of doctors
  • see a doctor details
  • make an appointment (plan a visit) using schedule
  • see a list of my appointments
  • fill out a questionnaire attached to appointment or my profile in general
  • see all medical documents filled by practitioners that related to me