A Basic Spring JPA app with an H2 DB
You will need to following tools in order to work with this project and code
- git (http://git-scm.com/)
- JDK 1.8+ (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html)
- Maven 3.x+ (http://maven.apache.org/)
- An IDE of your choice. (Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring STS, Netbeans, etc.)
To run this project locally, perform the following steps.
- Clone project to your machine using git - "git clone https://github.com/dlbunker/ps-guitar-db.git"
- Import the project into your IDE using the maven pom.xml. In spring STS suite this is done by importing an existing maven project
- Run the JUnit tests in the src/test/java folder. If all pass you are good to go.