This repository contains documents related to the "Rebooting the Web-of-Trust" series of events in the fall of 2015 and early 2106.
The first DesignShop event, to be held in the Bay Area on November 3rd & 4th 2015, is a facilitated, invite-only event focused on creating the next generation of decentralized web-of-trust based identity systems. The goal of this initial DesignShop is to generate 5 technical white papers and/or proposals on topics decided by the group that will have the greatest impact on the future.
In advance of the November DesignShop, all participants are requested to post in the Topics and Advanced Readings folder a 1 or 2 page topics paper to be shared with other attendees on either:
- A specific problem that you'd like to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (pgp or ca-based pki) can't address the problem?
- A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to?
These papers include (so far):
- Avoiding Confused Deputy Attack Using Capabilities - by Tyler Close <>
- Blockchain Tech Opportunities in the Web-of-Trust - by Peter Todd @PeterToddBTC <>
- Building a Web of Trust for E-commerce - by Michael Folkson @michaelfolkson <>
- Linked Local Names — by Christopher Allen @ChristopherA <>
- PGP Paradigm - by Jon Callas - @JonCallas <> & Phil Zimmerman - <>
- Progressive Trust - by Christopher Allen @ChristopherA <>
- Reputation and the Real World - by Randy Farmer @FRandallFarmer <>
- Schnorr Signatures: An Overview - by Christopher Allen @ChristopherA <> & Shannon Appelcline @Appelcline <>
- Thin Clients - by Greg Slepak @TaoEffect <>
If you would like an invitation to this DesignShop, please email Christopher Allen about why you wish to participate as well as send a topic paper relevant to your specific needs and/or offerings in the field of web-of-trust technologies.