In this project, i implemented a few container types of the C++ standard template library.
This project aims to deepen your understanding of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) by implementing several commonly used container types from scratch. By doing so, you will gain insights into the inner workings of these containers and improve your C++ programming skills.
- Vector: A dynamic array that can resize itself automatically when elements are added or removed.
- List: A doubly linked list that allows for efficient insertion and deletion of elements.
- Map: An associative container that stores key-value pairs with unique keys.
- Set: A container that stores unique elements in a specific order.
- Understand the underlying data structures and algorithms used in STL containers.
- Implement the containers with similar interfaces and functionalities as the STL counterparts.
- Write test cases to ensure the correctness and performance of your implementations.
To get started with the project, clone the repository and run Make file to compile.